Thursday, September 27, 2012

Truths and Consequences

Truth and Consequences

            Such a tragedy that today's young people never saw the great T.V shows, when television was in its infancy, when there were television personalities with real talent, when you could be entertained without sexual-decadent innuendo.
            Such a television show was Truth or Consequences, 40's and 50's, Ralph Edwards, a real American talent. Even people who claim the name of Christ could be entertained by clean personalities.

            There is no TRUE sermon until you know Christ. You will never understand God's book until you believe in God. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. AND, there are consequences now and later for unbelievers. Jesus tells us that he is the truth (John 17:17, 14:6).

            There are 350,000 church buildings in America, 40,000 Christian denominations in the world. The record is in, there can be no dispute, most just play church. Sovereign God, creator of the Universe, giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17)...even for most church members, just a part of the imagination, social-religiosity, just in case there's something to it. Most Americans much more interested in their government entitlements. This writer sent a pastor to visit a sick woman, who I felt needed his visit. He asked her if he could pray for her healing. She said, "You can pray but remember I get a check."

            There is nothing in God's word that keeps me from believing in the validity of dreams. If you are born again-spirit filled, you can depend on the dreams and revelations made to you....just as did the Joseph's of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Most people think you are nutty if you talk about such. WHO CARES? The unsaved think you are nutty anyway.

            My mother's sister and her husband visited me at my beach house, I had not seen them for many, both long dead. I said to my Aunt, "I had a marvelous dream recently, saw your mother, my grandmother, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Mamie, cousin Bertha and many other of our relatives in Heaven. They were so happy." They would not say anything to my face but went to others and told them that her nephew, the doctor, disabled veteran, was nutty as a fruitcake. Instead of being happy to know that her mother, my mother and others were happy as all Christians expect to be on the other side of this life, like Rhoda, answering Peter's knock at the gate after he had been delivered from prison...even while the prayer meeting for his delivery was going on, they did not have enough faith to believe in prayer (Acts 12:13).  On this side of the cross, 2,000 years, if those like so many of my relatives and associates truly believed in MY resurrected Christ, truly believed in the power of prayer, this sin cursed world would be a different place.

            Everyday I learn of young families moving out of congested cities...buying parcels of land large enough for a home, garden, fresh water well with a hand pump and other methods of surviving the disaster heading our way. Does any sane person believe that with the insanity of nuclear weapons, religious terrorists, economic chaos, the destruction of large cities can't be far away? In a very frightening dream, I have seen Washington D.C totally destroyed, all those great buildings flat on the ground, a marvel column still erect in a few places. Is anyone so oblivious to think that this can not and will not happen? All the hatred of other nations, other religions, even the disdain of American's, who love their country, but despise their countries government. The picture is tragic but American government has brought the entire rotten matter on itself. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for much less. I challenge any citizen to attempt communication with any government (Washington D.C) agency (VA, SEC, FTC, FCC, USDADA, etc) and see if you can talk with a real person or get a real letter from anyone. The place is filled with politicians who purchase their office, bureaucrats who purchase their office, profane-perversion of every type AND they expect the hard working, God fearing, tax paying citizens to pay them big salaries and retirements as they exploit their own country as well as world. On top of what American government does to its own people, surely sovereign God of justice keeps a good record of the bombs dropped from drones on scared women and children. 

            In a flight-fight of craziness, who could have convinced this old blind veteran, his parents, his grandparents, that a nation born and blessed by God would in one lifetime, kill 53 million of its most innocent citizens, legalize same sex marriage, legalize the blending of homosexuals, women, and straight men in the battle front, actually have churches where lesbians and gays fill pulpits.

            Endure a national democrat convention where God was taken out of the platform as well as the eternal city of Jerusalem. Republicans are stupid enough but, could one ever have believed that a political party, mostly of blacks and communist whites, would condemn Christianity-Catholicism in particular?

            Not just a television program with trite entertainment of truth or consequences. The heathen do not believe God's word, do not believe that one day their knees too will bow. "For it is written, [As] I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God" (Romans 14:11). Most do not believe his truth, the worlds only truth but they will believe his consequences. NEWSFLASH: Hell has been enlarged, surely we should believe this, to take care of all those politicians-bureaucrats-lying news media-educators who have twisted the minds of children-doctors who have profited on the fast and slow deaths of those who trusted them-bankers and other greed profiteers of the world.

            If there are no consequences for sin, enjoy your addictive drugs, engage in every type thievery, lie about everything...enjoy the profaneness of living, there are no consequences.

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