When will we learn that we are just squatters in God's territory even those of us chosen by Him? Those he chose, elected, predestinated, are still sinners and must be forgiven. He purposed us for a reason. Knowing this, those of us who are His should realize that everything we see, hear, take into our body, gives to the world a version of what we are. Why not be the best version of self? It is impossible to erase the junk of pornography, the junk of tasteless-stupid television, the junk of foolish sounds, the junk of synthetic-chemical polluted food. I still remember until this very day, and it was at least 65 years ago, the first pornography I ever saw, a "dirty" magazine shown to young boys by a school bus mechanic. The demons which attacked me 25 years ago (Eph 6) would lose some teeth today because I am much tougher now. Plus, I have learned to put on the whole armor of God (Eph 6) and stand, digging in, not yielding one inch, and certainly not turning my back because the "whole armor of God does not cover the back."
In my lifetime, the world has been turned upside down. Evil has become good, good, evil. 81 times in the book of Proverbs, alone, the word wicked is called evil. I listen to the democrat convention, clapping-laughing at evil. A former President of the United States, of all people, pervert, adulterer, impeached, a real hero to street people, people in prison, welfare dependant, the takers of the world. Blacks, who abort 52% of their babies, drop outs, numbering 50% of the population who live off the hard work of the other 50%. not caring about their bodies-health-or anything else. Health character is like Christian character, a minute by minute, everyday lifestyle. Christianity is not complicated, just tough. Good health is not complicated, just tough, requiring discipline.
Everything is upside down, much like the pyramid of entitlements. When social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs started, there was a large number at the base paying into support the small number at the top. Today, the pyramid is upside down, small number at the bottom, scrounging to support the huge number at the top. Because of lifestyle, eating habits, in 1908, 1 of 33 citizens with cancer, 1985, 1 of 3 citizens with cancer, today, 1 of 2 citizens with cancer and in 2020, every person will have cancer.
Those of us born on dirt roads, no power, telephone or waterlines, struggled through the lower grades AND college, step by step, military and professional careers.
If only this writer could have gone to college (in my case 8 years of professional education) without having to work my way through, worrying about survival. If only I could have married without having to worry about "keeping up with the Jones,'" getting ahead and staying ahead. If only I could have lived without being disabled, blind, attempting to prepare some food without burning the house down, wearing something completely bizarre, and keeping helpers from stealing everything in sight.
We live in a time of addiction, human weakness to evil. Law enforcement does not have time for absolutes because they are so busy with trauma. There is an absolute unconcern in the healthcare community about prevention because Big Pharma pays too well for drugs and surgery.
Take the time, study carefully, the perverse profane neo-pagan culture in which we find ourselves. In the White House, the school house, court house, church house, imposters, a charade. The preacher is afraid he will offend someone, sophisticated, powdered and perfumed, padded pew-air conditioned comfort, depending on not losing any money from the congregation. Our entire political system built around money. Parents who want their children to have an education must pay for a private school or home school, themselves.
The sob sisters at the court house, more concern for the criminal than the victim, has shown that the government can get by with anything, that the general public will ACCEPT anything after the nonsense of the burning alive of women and children at Waco, the destroying of children in the Murrah building (Oklahoma City) and the 2,980 deaths, 9/11, when 118 witnesses heard explosions inside the towers and indeed, one building number 8, just up and fell hours after the others, not hit by anything.......ALL CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.
How many false flags, how deep must American patriots sink into the dumpster before they realize what is happening to their country?
One man had a maddening dream, books full of his sins, alphabetically organized, and then as he sat looking through the books, Jesus appeared on the scene. Embarrassed, humiliated, he thought, how can I escape His contempt? But, then, Jesus went through every book, every page, and wrote "forgiven."
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