Drinking Horse
In quantum physics, the observer plays the most important role, he decides what he is looking at, he is in control. Most of us have learned that we have very little control of anyone except self: you can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink.
The children of Israel, in the wilderness, learned to trust their eyes. Herman Goering, Hitler's minister of propaganda said he could change anyone's mind, could make a round hole square. One should learn to control their own mind, your most valuable possession. God, your creator, will help you. He breathed into you life, and a soul (Genesis 2:7). Reading his word, the only truth in the world, like sitting at his feet.
Total blindness, over 50 years ago, taught me to walk by faith not sight (2 Cor 5:7). Now, the spirit of God, controlling my living and giving, teaches me to write by faith. In a world of political correctness, idols of popularity-celebrity-"cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches, lusts for other things entering in," we can not allow the world to be "choked", our lives to become disobedient. (Mark 4:19).
The believer should stand in awe, realizing his blessedness...chosen, elected, saved by grace, and as the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:3) to understand that he is already living the eternal life. This writers problem has always been in dealing with people who do not want to think for themselves. They are perfectly content to swallow the "hog slop" from the "hog pen" of our environment as found in the secular media, particularly television. Unlike the prodigal son who did not have a "taste" for hog slop. (Luke 15:11-32). So many love it...even when what's delivered from it, return to it, even wallowing (2 Peter 2:22).
Particularly with family, friends, associates, those most familiar with your credentials "don't think you know anything".......The profit, without value in his own country (John 4:44).
I challenge anyone to find ANYONE, particularly one blind, who has traveled more and been more exposed to the world than this writer. When traveling at great expense and just hard work, ALL THOSE PHOTOGRAPHS, I thought "This will be a thrill, an inspiration to so many." HOW WRONG I WAS. I am the last to be called on about my opinion of the world.
And, not just travel, but healthcare, financial success, stewardship, Christian discipleship.
I once asked a driver who had driven me to many family funerals, etc, "You have seen my relatives, the way they greet me, has one ever mentioned to you, my military service, what I gave to their country?" I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected medical officer veteran of the Korean war era. They know the horror story of my obtaining 8 years of professional education, working my way through totally and then not being able to practice my profession because of blindness. Not one ever mentions it...not even fellow doctors.
It has been no secret, colleges and churches have made it public, how much money I have given to scholarships, awards, buildings, etc. I started out at zero, is it a curiosity to anyone how I made the money to give away?
I still spend most of my hours while awake (I live alone, take care of myself totally-cooking, handling real estate and stock market business) studying factors which should be of interest to all that are interested in healthcare...the holistic approach to health. On the radio, talking, writing, impressing on all who listen (the few who care, who give a damn about anything anymore) the necessity for taking care of yourself...supplements, home treatments, etc. The time of the individual doctor-patient relationship, is over.
In the future, already in England with hospital-nursing home care, manufacturing all over the world, law enforcement all over the world, robots doing most things. Robots are not as inquisitive as insects.
There was a time when the pastor, teacher, could inspire. There was a time when your parent was more interested in your development than being your friend. Mark Twain said, "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.”
God's precious word teaches us not to think very highly of self (Romans 12:3). If this blind writer, speaker, world traveler, entrepreneur can not inspire, then you can not be inspired. But, it is so frustrating-exasperating to have spent a life well (I truly believe that). Well informed in so many areas, the greatest gift of all, willing to share, finding so many unwilling to drink.
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