Dr. Viktor Frankl, psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor, who, before his death in 1997, wrote more about the Jewish survivors in the Holocaust than any other person and said, "If all human beings had a faith to live by as well as a faith to die with there would be no need for psychiatry." We live in a world of pretending, not willing to face true facts and, when we do believe true facts, we put up a mirage-firewall of oxytocin (things will get better) willing to excuse-rationalize-justify everything and just move on.
We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Most of our problems come from stinking thinking, wanting circumstances to determine our faith rather than our faith determining our circumstances. 90% of faith is just raw courage, FACE IT, we do not have the courage to face the raw truth life.
So, even in casual and not so casual conversation we use euphemisms. Women in sensible shoes for lesbian, pre-owned for used car, the big C for cancer, economically depressed neighborhood for slum or ghetto, enhanced interrogation technique for torture, adult entertainment for pornography, feeling no pain for drunk, and the one that I despise most, impaired vision for blindness. Believe me there is all the difference in the world from being visually impaired and blindness. Vision impaired, could mean very strong glasses, a shadow vision, light perception.
This totally blind writer, 100% disabled, service connected medical army officer veteran, was left with a small percentage of vision in the left eye. I did not know how to treasure that shadow of vision, enabling me to maneuver through airports, find clothing in a closet. Blind Dr. Evelyn Robinson, University of Chicago, said to me, "I would give so much to be able to move from one room to another." So many, I believe, think blindness is no big deal. I am convinced that my family and friends believe I am blind only around them. They do not see me trying to find something in my refrigerator, or closet...and some days, everything insists on falling on the floor.
I want to weep when I see the dishonesty, hypocrisy exhibited before the world...such as the obsceneness of the recent Democrat National Convention. A nation, so blessed of God from 1799 to 1892, actually called a Christian country by the U.S Supreme Court, removing the word God from their platform, attempting to erase the eternal city of Jerusalem, from their politics. Israel means God governed, Jerusalem means, foundation city. God was not joking when he warned us about His chosen people, His holy land.
It is mind boggling, but why should we be surprised? Why should we ever be surprised when pagans act like pagans?
The apostle Paul never visited Colossi, city in Greece, but in his letter to the church at Colossi, Colossians 3, he tells us how you can identity Christians...that Christians are "merciful, kind, humble, meek, long suffering, forbearing, forgiving, charitable and thankful" (Colossians 3:12-15). Those possessed by the Holy Spirit of Christ can be recognized showing the fruit of His spirit, love, joy, peace, gentleness, longsuffering, and faith (Galatians 5:22).
Now, I ask you, in the 21st century, when everything is upside down, when anything and everything is acceptable to Satan and his crowd except Christianity, what could possibly be wrong with people who possess these characteristics? In the gay agenda, Agenda 21 (is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regards to sustainable development, population control), same sex marriage, abortion, women and gays on the front lines of our military, EUPHAMYSTICALLY, world wide, giving Satan total control of our lives. 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]" (Eph 6:12).
Those of us who are chosen-elected-predestined, the remnant here witnessing the final days of this democrat-republic have seen America during its best days. With the knowledge of what has happened during my lifetime, the idols of technology (television, marvels of nano-technology), we can easily predict what the world will be like 20 years from now. 'For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake" (2 Cor 4:5). The remnant of believers, those who carry his cross daily, can safely say, "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth" (Luke 18:8)?
We who believe in the adventure of America must do a much better job in articulating the magnificence of our Constitution. We, the born again, chosen, believers in Jesus Christ, in the spirit of trust and faith, must do a much better job of living and proving the worthiness of our hope. The sermon we live is greater than the sermon we preach. ”Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men" (2 Cor 3:2).
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