"Better [is] the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than [he that is] perverse [in his] ways, though he [be] rich" (Proverbs 28:6).
Perhaps, because I have been totally blind most of my life, (100% disabled, blind, veteran of the Korean conflict, medical officer) it is necessary for me to imagine instead of visualize. It would be more difficult if I had never seen at all. But having been sighted at one time, through college, God gives me an image..my other senses compensate. The inward-real-fundamentals of lower animals are always on display. The human being animal must demonstrate externally, often leading to hypocrisy.
About the seventh century, religionists, so afraid that someone would not know that they were righteous, started wearing the scapular. Some still do. This is an outer garment-vestment-worn over regular clothing. Much like the Roman collar, often worn by priests and nuns in the Catholic faith. Other denominations wear a smaller replica of the scapular.
About the same time, academics started wearing hoods. Now, these are mostly seen at university graduations, different colors for different professionals-disciplines of study. Some old, established centers of higher learning academics wear hoods all the time. One important part of doctoral program, even the awarding of an honorary doctorate, placing a hood over the head of the recipient.
This writer wears a small cross in his lapel, it is long past time that Christians let people know WHOSE SIDE THEY ARE ON. As with the scapular, hood, do not be perverse enough, dishonest enough, hypocrite enough, to wear something to which you are not entitled. The person who has gone through the studies leading to an advanced doctoral degree, the person whose life is holy enough to be a priest-nun-preacher of the gospel, is entitled to wear the hood, is entitled to wear the scapular. The person who knows Jesus as his savior, not ashamed of his redemption-salvation, should wear the cross, the most blessed emblem of civilization, the epic point of history.
Why do we hide the warts of civilization? Leaving a boat from the River Ganges at Madras, India, hungry begging children hanging unto me (professional beggars, people had cut off their limbs and made beggars of them). This at the city of Madras where the disciple Thomas was killed by Rama's sword, having walked from Jerusalem, crossing the Himalayas, to bring the good news of salvation to the most corrupt religiosity people of the world....then and now. This writer crossed Russia on the Trans Siberian railroad (11 time zones). The climate cruelty of this communist-Godless country is beyond description. To those who so love communism, I have tried to describe what goes on in a communist country. For instance, the gauge on the railroad tracks totally different from the gauge on the tracks in the rest of the world. This defeated Hitler in World War II....wheels on trains, chains on every locomotive-car to fit the gauge. I so remember the car being heisted, Russian women changing the wheels when the European train reached the boarder of Russia. Crossing Russia, barren fields which at one time had supplied grain for the entire world, bread basket of Europe. (1913 Russia was the largest exporter of wheat in the world-just before the revolution) Ever since communism, hunger in Russia. Since communism "closed down," Russia is now one of the worlds most productive nations. Hotel rooms cost more in Moscow than any other city in the world, more billionaires in Russia than any other nation in the world.
I found the same scene in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Rhodesia with her farmers was the bread basket of Africa...great productive farms. With the communist-tyrannical-dictator Mogabi and his henchmen, this writer found political chaos, hunger in Zimbabwe and all surrounding nations. The homes, golf courses, farms which the Europeans had built, growing up with weeds and bush like the rest of African bushes...the natives sitting around doing nothing, waiting for a handout. This is what happens when a welfare dependant culture takes over in Rhodesia, Russia, India, China, Cuba, or any other Godless place on earth. With the new democrat-platform, God has been eliminated from the thinking of most Americans. (David Brody at CBN.com reports that the DNC, (and the Democratic Party is no longer in need of God.))
Americans in their stupor of secular humanism have not considered what would happen with a natural or enemy-made disaster, when, because of loss of electric power, distribution, such as Wal-Mart distribution centers, will not work. Banking system centers will not work. You and others can not go to work because you can not get gas for your vehicle and besides someone must defend your home against marauders seeking food. It would do no good to call emergency (911, EMS, hospitals, doctors, funeral homes). Already, the world as we HAVE known it has changed AND in a matter of days. (Middle East war, political intrigue or terrorist attack, things could change completely). The time has come to get real with existence. No pretentions, no charades, veneers of any kind, reliance entirely on protection from the creator of the universe.
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