The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. We live in a world of fakery, politics (no politician would get elected if honest), advertising (hair color "does she or doesn't she?" world exercising because of athletic shoes), synthetics which can not be digested utilized in all food preparation, big pharma determining scientific drug usage through "controlled" experimentation.
Most Americans remember what they were doing on the morning of September 11, 2001. This writer was sitting in his office with his secretary, the television was on, unusual because this blind man tries to keep sound interference to a minimum. I heard the commotion on screen and she began to describe the chaos involved in lower Manhattan. Then, she began to dance around and talk about her delight in seeing the carnage. I said, "What is wrong with you? Thousands of people are probably being killed." She said, "I have lived in NYC, you do not know how I despise those people up there."
There have been many questions about the matters that make no sense. Like Waco, the Murrah building, Oklahoma city, things that make no sense, whatsoever. Even the commission appointed to investigate the 9/11 tragedy has distanced itself from its own report. There are many unanswered questions, how and why the 47 story building number 8, hit by nothing, imploded and fell several hours later? The greatest question, buildings considered architectural marvels, built to withstand the "perils" of nature, topple by planes "supposedly" flown by amateurs. The buildings were explicitly designed to withstand a high speed jet impact. Even seasoned pilots have stated that it would be difficult to ram a plane into such a building. More spectacular, over 100 witnesses on the ground heard explosions in the buildings AFTER the planes had struck. Physicists, architects, scientists, continue to ask questions. Families of the 2,080 killed, firefighters, police officers, should ask questions. Last year an opinion poll in the UK found that only 7% of the people believed the official report. Outside the NATO area, world wide opinion polls indicate a highly skeptical public attitude to the Washington account of 9/11. The secular humanist, politically correct, American news media, know that dumbed down American's will believe anything.
Here are some of the unanswered questions.
Could 9/11 have been nipped in the bud by the CIA's then secret Osama Bin Laden unit who identified at least two of the alleged 9/11 hijackers as they entered the US, or the FBI's three field offices which were refused permission to investigate individuals connected with the attacks?
Was 9/11 really such a surprise, as claimed by the Bush Administration? Not so according to newly released CIA documents (7), (8). Bush received several CIA intelligence warnings that attacks were 'imminent' in the summer of 2001. Yet Bush ignored them and took no defensive measures. Why?
Richard Clarke, (9) Bush's anti-terrorism coordinator, has accused the CIA of deliberately withholding information that could have prevented the attacks. Ali Soufan, at the time the FBI's lead Al Qaeda expert, has also criticized the CIA for blocking investigations of suspects prior to 9/11 (10). Why would the CIA and senior FBI administrators have made these decisions?
The events of the day have led to many independent experts posing still unanswered questions.
Andreas von Buelow, German intelligence expert and one time Defense Minister echoes the voices of many US military experts (and Gore Vidal writing in The Observer): "Why, for 60 decisive minutes, the military and intelligence agencies let the fighter planes stay on the ground?" (11)
There has been no detailed explanation for the unprecedented collapse of three multistory steel frame buildings, World Trade Centre 1, 2, and 8 at near free fall speed, landing neatly in their own footprints. Most of the planes' jet fuel was burnt off in the initial impacts and Building 8 was not even hit by a plane. (911truth.org)
More spectacular and not taking anything from those in the plane shot down, the downed plane in the Pennsylvania ground, obviously shot down...a real curiosity, around the most protected defense building in the world, was the Pentagon actually hit by a plane? With modern technology, everyone and his brother having a telephone in his pocket, phones which actually take pictures. Why then and now is their such a dearth of information?
The average mind can not comprehend waste...time, talent, treasure. The world's greatest waste is wasting human life, God's greatest creation. Even the Jews, ceremonial law, feasts, sacrifices, often try to fool God in his laws pertaining to animal sacrifice. Why waste unblemished animals, a required number, required flour and oil, sending up a sweet favor to God, simply because He demanded it? After all, it was simply smoke...perhaps in the smoke, God could not see deceit. In the smoke and cries of the people of the Davidic compound in Waco, the bombing at Oklahoma city, people just trying to make a living jumping from tall buildings, we have seen the height and depth of deception. We love our country but not the deception of our government.
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