Mushy Marshmallows
"When thou passest through the waters, I [will be] with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee" (Isaiah 43:2).
God wants us to take ownership of our salvation. I challenge you to know yourself, to know who you are.
Beyond our imagination, God created man. "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth" (Genesis 1:26). Very specific, not complicated, "our image." Triune God before the world was created. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men" (John 1:1-4). Jesus, the word, father-God, anticipated the sinfulness of man (mushy marshmallow). Redemption through Christ, in spite of ourselves, he wanted us for his own...his chosen, to spend eternity with Him in Heaven...those he could point out forever, "special" in Him. Man, with all his weaknesses, the crown and glory of God's creation. This writer has seen the glaciers at both the north and south poles, majesty of the Himalayas-Alps, solitude of the Sahara and Gobi. Nothing comes close to the magnificent design of the human body...its circulatory-nervous systems, the clotting of blood. The human body is truly the temple of God, in spite of the fact that so many human beings, mushy marshmallows, destroy this temple with addictive drugs, excesses of every type. The magnificent of the human being is his soul, God given, without mass-weight, a total individual, will never die. The atheist-false religiosity, believe that the lower animals have souls. Why did God instruct to use these animals in sacrifices?
Right now, world history, first time that mankind has failed to prepare or believe in the future. This shows the depth of our pessimism toward everything. This farm boy was always interested in seeing how squirrels-other animals of the woods prepared for winter. Even the Bible instructs us with how the smallest animal, the ant, prepares for the future.
When the chosen of God, born again, redeemed, possess the holy spirit of God, we are not only a new creature but a special citizen of Heaven just passing through this world. (Phil 3:20). We are strangers and pilgrims (1 Peter 2:4) acting different, dressing and speaking different. BUT, we can warn against what is happening and about to happen.
God talks, few listen. Does anyone, even the peanut brained Democrats, think God is surprised or cares when left out of the program? About 20 years ago, this writer, on one of his many trips to Asia, went near the great volcano, Krakatoa. First evidence of its erruption-513 AD, then another in 1883. Both times, total world climate change, sun blocked out, no growing seasons, mass starvation. Krakatoa is rumbling again, so is the 50 mile wide, Yellowstone Park volcano in the North West. A great Midwest drought this summer, can we even imagine the chaos of volcanoes and earth quakes? We think that Wal-Mart's 6,000 stores, last year sales of $421 billion, over 2.1 million employees, fast-accurate distribution centers, like the world's banking system with its credit cards, etc. will still function in a natural disaster, terrorism attack. Everything will shut down. In this world of great education systems provided by television, public schools-colleges, the greatest emphasis should be on preparation.
World survival depends on a nation's ability with energy, economy and environment. Oil is the total driver of the world's economy, can not be produced for less than $70 a barrel and must be distributed for at least $100 a barrel. The entire world is in an economic depression, America admitting to a dept of $16 trillion but with promised entitlements (social security, Medicare, retirements) over $100 trillion. The total worth of all the gold in the world is $7.5 trillion. America and the world has debt that can never be repaid. Looking at the environment, world economics, world energy, and particularly the morass of troubles in the Middle east...the perfect storm.
This writer has traveled Greece many times, seen the happy go lucky, mushy marshmallow attitude of its citizens, particularly the males who sit around cafe's all day. Work in most European nation's is done by women. We have seen the total collapse of the European economy rapidly heading Westward. More critical than the physical collapse, the moral collapse of the people of these nations...particularly America, supposedly a Christian country. In my lifetime, one could not have convinced me that General Motors would have a complete economic breakdown. It is a matter of honesty, fooling a mushy marshmallow public with high powered advertisements, political correctness. For instance, General Motors declared so many units sold, never telling anyone that the units were delivered to dealers and considered sold. Someone should tell those at the board of directors that a car is only sold when the buyer drives it off the dealers lot.
Raised in the country, dirt roads, this writer wished to live in the big city. Those in the big cities, with any sense at all, should be heading for the hinterlands. The more I remember fresh water in the well-hand pump, wood stove, kindling, canned and dried foods, chickens-fresh eggs, cows-raw milk, gardens with fresh produce, fruit-nut trees, the more I am convinced that our forefathers had the answer to survival and healthy living. The answer to which young families should follow. With all our learning-technology, human nature changed, but for the worst.
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