Thursday, October 25, 2012



"No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (Luke 16:13).

            Unfolding, another Presidential election. This time, more money was spent for advertising than ever before, $5.8 billion dollars. ( You tire of answering the "robo-calls" on the phone, hearing the advertisements in every form of media. We believe George Washington did not spend one dime to become President, was honored to "stand" for President.

            The citizen feels he is being hazed by a college fraternity, moving through a gauntlet-maze, kicked, pushed, slapped from every side.

            One thing is certain as you listen to the Presidential debates, nothing exceptional about either candidate. They are not smarter than most people, did not have a mother smarter than yours. Obama, prestigious schools, on scholarships. Romney, wealthy, governor Father, prestigious schools. Both have had advantages to which the average person knows nothing. Like George W. Bush before Obama, father President (41), Vice President, House member. Grandfather, U.S senator. Yet, President George W. Bush (43) had never been in U.S capitols, House of Representatives until he gave his first State of the Union message. He was raised in the lap of luxury, caressed by the best schools and universities, socialized by the elite of the country (President Nixon would send an air force plane down to bring him to Washington to escort his daughter's around the capital).

            Obama, educated in a Muslim madrasa, supposedly educated at Columbia, Harvard, although records are sealed like so much of this man's life. For 20 years, sitting under the preaching on Dr. Jeremiah Wright...liberation theology, Obama claims that he heard nothing, probably did not see Harriet Tubman's portrait in the vestibule of the church. Contrast, Romney, Mormon, pastor-missionary, belief in a religion which claims that Jesus was married to both Mary and Martha.

            The best you can say, both lost but Obama lost having no morals, admitted dope addict (reportedly, member of Chicago's famous gay bath house, Man's Country, although all records have been sealed) probably the most immoral man ever in the White House. Romney lost but probably the most moral President ever to serve. Mormon's do not drink alcohol, caffeine-carbonated drinks, use tobacco products, have complete sexual purity, even sparingly ingest meat. God did not write The Bible for easy understanding. Just as you do not find gold, jewels on the surface, you must dig for them. So it is with the inspired, inherit word of God. I was in the Gold Temple at the Sikhs of Armristar, India, great volumes of books piled high, monks studying continuously. Same in the Vatican library, libraries all over the world. The monk Tischendorf, arriving at St. Catherine's monastery, Mt Sinai, found the nuns burning leaves of ancient manuscripts to stay warm. Retrieving these leaves, they became the Codex Sinaiticus (like Codex's "Vantec's" one of the oldest Bibles).

            For 15 centuries, the Catholic church kept God's word hidden from the people, priests reading it aloud in service. With Luther and others, The Bible became available to the average man, although many of its early translators were burned at the stake.

            For sight, there must be light. Jesus healing those blind from birth, instilled light into their eyes. Jesus told us that he is the light of the world (John 8:12). Jesus was with his father in creation (John 1). The sun, moon, reflection from the sun, he was a pillar of fire, light for the children of Israel. In Him was light, no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). And, if the gospel be hid, hid to those who are lost (2 Cor 4:5).

            The main purpose of Satan, blindness, to keep everyone blind from the saving grace of Jesus. When the blind, the disabled, are touched by the power of God, you understand the man laying at the gate Beautiful at the temple for 40 years, holding on to Peter and John (Acts 3:2).  Only one who is disabled can understand healing in The Bible or any other place. Only one who has known the perils of warfare (veterans), so devastated by the Obama's of the world.

            God chooses outstanding people. A genetic perspective we do not thoroughly understand. The chosen come from the poor, flawed. Satan wants everyone, knows that some easier enticed. The geneticist-psychologist-paleontologist has yet to define or predict success. Frederick Nietzsche (God Is Dead), pianist, could never understand why he could not play as well as the great historical pianist.
            There are degrees in surgeon's skills, degrees of accomplishment in a carpenter's skills. This writer is convinced that most physicians, pastors, parents, have never realized the majesty of the "laying on" of hands. This writer is convinced that many are healed simply by the magnificence (soveigrnty of God) TRANSMUTED through the hands. God forgives the mother who slaps her child, the teacher who whips the hand. "I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness" (Isaiah 41:10).  We must believe that God is, and that he does everything he promises (Titus 1:2). God honors His word (Psalm 138:2).

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