Tuesday, January 8, 2013



"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death" (Proverbs 14:10).

            In the quietness of our hearts, we must believe that where we are going is more important than where we have been. The difference in your living and giving depends entirely on the spirit of God living within you.

            It took this writer a very long time to realize that you simply turn it all over to God, hang your very life on your faith in Him.

            So simple, He spoke and nothingness became somethingness. Just to comprehend that the one who threw the 14 billion stars into the Milky Way, is actually concerned about me...the Heavenly "host", stars, planets, His Word, involved with me. Do you realize that in the council chambers of eternity, before the foundation of the world, He chose-elected-predestined those who would spend eternity with Him, having first gone through years of "basic training" on earth?

            The earth was just one big ball of dirt. He took a handful of this dirt and made man, breathed into him life. He created everything but man was his chief creation in the image of them, three persons, father, son and Holy Spirit.  The average person, saved or unsaved, has no idea of the blessedness of life because of Jesus. "For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" (2 Corinthians 5:21).

            75 years ago, I remember as yesterday, electric power lines in the country side. We children could hardly wait for night, that light bulb hanging down from the ceiling. And so it was at the school house, church house, every house...front porches, the happiness of people with lights. Just think, "...that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light..." (John 3:19).  Oh to get it right, to love the shelteror who loved the sheltered. To love the healer who loved the sick. To love the forgiver who loved the sinner. Someone has said that Jonathan Edwards was the world's greatest preacher because he spent so much time reading The Bible and in prayer. Once, in England, a man told this writer that, "If he believed what Christians say they believe, he would crawl across England on his hands and knees to keep his fellow man from going to Hell." The truth is, in spite of our many protest stations, pews and pulpits are full of those who want to believe in sins ruin and Christ redemption but can not escape their entanglement-enticement to the world flesh Devil.

            Thank God that the time comes in most lives that it is more painful to stay in the bud than to blossom. The time comes when our blessed Lord and our fellow man know who we are and what we are. Just before 18-year-old Joan of Arc was burned at the stake because of her religious beliefs, she said, "I was born for a time like this."
            The American Atheist society, now looking for a new director of public relations has said that 1,000 preachers, in American pulpits, are atheist.  Why should anyone be surprised? The New Testament farcies did not recognize God in their midst when Jesus preached in the synagogues, broke up every funeral procession he ever met, healed the sick-blind to see. It was the religious leaders who insisted on his crucifixion, who supplied the 20 pieces of silver to Judas. The nearly three million children of Israel in the wilderness knew the location of God within the inner court of the temple....behind the veil of white, scarlet, purple and blue. Only the high priests could go through the veil. No one else even tried to enter the holy of holies. They had seen the power of God shaking Mt. Sinai, parting the waters of the Red Sea, killing the stiff necked-rebellious, redeemed former slaves by the thousands. On the cross, for the sin of the world (past, present, future), he who knew no sin (paid it all), and the veil was torn top to bottom. Through his crucifixion-resurrection, the faith, the price of God, satisfied so that we have a direct relationship with God.

             Is it causality or coincidence, idealism or realism that recent centuries have made a beggar of God? (Begging those who supposedly believe in Him to attend worship services, prayer services) The greatest comparisons in the world are talking about Jesus or living like Jesus, singing patriotism or going to war, believing in the doctor or taking his pills, listening to the teacher or doing the job. Most of us in most things, lazy, are just going through the motions. Who wants to follow a leader who does not make demands? The coach is always the most popular teacher because he has rules. It is the strict parent the child most often, later in life, loves best.

            For God to be God he does not need anything, certainly not weak-irascible, us. He could convert the city of Chicago over night if he desired.

            The measuring instrument for most lives is stuck on stupid. The last election clearly shows this, elected a Marxist-Muslim, promoter of abortion, same sex marriage, to head a once Christian nation. (Even the U.S supreme court declared this nation Christian from 1799-1892.) Every family knows the lies of government and the state controlled media that supports it. Every family knows the treatment of Veterans, students who can not get jobs, producers under the yolk of excessive taxation supporting moochers. We must not get caught up with the problems-hypocrisy-evils of this present world. The citizenship of the believer is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20), we are just passing through. It took God 1,500 years to  dictate his book. Many have asked me, over my long eventful life, "How can you tell if a person is a Christian?" The answer, so simple, "His love for God's book."

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