(Reverend-Representative J.C Moye)
"Times They Are A-Changing"
"Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone"
-Bob Dylan
In other articles this writer has described his family loyalty, ancestral devotion, the fact that his ancestors, both mother and father, were active in the historic original Freewill Baptist denomination. My parents, grandparents, great grandparents, right on back for many generations building and promoting the FWB church. I well remember many of the great old preachers of my youth. I have said in many pulpits, "You have never heard a man pray until you've heard Reverend J.C Moye pray." There was a time when a visiting preacher was always asked to pray at the church...so it was with Reverend Moye when he visited our church. He would lift the roof, you knew that he knew what he was talking about.
God is not stingy in passing out his blessings to those who love and serve him. Reverend Moye, large influential family, 10 children, large farmer, automobile dealer, prominent Pastor and North Carolina legislator 1929-1933.
My friend, Gary Barefoot, historian at Mount Olive College, had shared with me a letter which a constituent wrote to Reverend-Representative J.C Moye in 1931. I have his permission to share it with you. A U.S congressman once told me one that the only letters that really influenced him in Washington were those which he detected had come from the heart.
I hope you can read and understand the concerns of Ms. Barfield.
Since my youth I have made it a practice to write my national, state, local representatives.
There is nothing that bothers this writer more than suicide...the fact that we have more military men committing suicide than are killed in warfare. Only those who have known and seen war know what it is all about. AND, it must be a sickening matter for one who has won the uniform, jumped through all the hoops of government, to see and learn what is happening to his country.
BUT, as I have said to so many, "If we all stop writing, stop showing concern (they like to talk about a cliff), the whole world would will soon realize that we went over the cliff long ago." It her day, Ms. Barfield wanted women to wear longer dresses. Today we should be concerned that most women have stopped wearing dresses at all. Rather, from the highest office (Hilary, Pelosi, etc.) to the lowest, women wearing the pants, more masculine than most men (Napolitano, Sebelius, Palin, S. Rice, C. Rice) After all, Gloria Steinem said, "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." God give us another Reverend J.C Moye many other women with the name of Barfield.
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