Friday, January 25, 2013

What Difference Does It Make?

What Difference Does It Make?

            I attended one Baptist church, wonderful choir, engaging worshipers, a very poor preacher. I asked one lady, "Where did you find your pastor?" She said, "Now you know why I have stopped praying. Our pastor died and we prayed for a new one. He is what God sent us."

            There is an Arab proverb, why pray for a camel when you expect a goat? Studying biographies of America's greatest families...the Adams, Kennedy's of Massachusetts, The Bush's of Texas, none will rack up the points of the Rockefeller's of New York...Nelson, David, Jay, etc.

            The people of Arkansas elected Winthrop Rockefeller, first republican governor in that state, 1966-1971. Of course he bought the governorship and livened things with his famous wife "Bobo."

            Another interesting couple was introduced on the American scene with Arkansas governor Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary.

            No Hollywood script writer, in wildest imagination, could have written the historical account of their entry into American politics-Presidency, etc.

            Many wish that this couple had just moved on, to Hollywood, Arkansas, somewhere else BUT, they refuse to their notoriety, nouvaeu riche status.

            And, the democrats dream girl Presidential candidate (perhaps only out shined by Evita Peron of Argentina), as Bill does his post-Presidential thing, Hillary is doing and saying whatever necessary to have her swing with the Presidential acts after imposter-Marxist-Muslim Obama retreats.

            It does not seem possible or probable since New Yorkers are supposed to be so sophisticated but they actually elected Hillary as their U.S Senator. Then, she ran for President but democrats, and other liberals, so intent on not being bigoted, elected Obama and to keep everyone happy she was made secretary of state.

            Under her tutelage, one African Muslim country after another, has fallen to radical Islamist's: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria and now Mali.

            This world traveler, writer, has been to all these nations. The first time in Timbuktu, Mali (I had a small amount of vision in left eye at the time), main street of Timbuktu, a boy with a goat herd passed me on the dirt street. I actually went to the Dogon country, world's oldest civilization. Like most Muslim countries, they know nothing of world politics.

            This week, before a senate committee investigating the chaotic skirmish in Benghazi, Libya when four Americans were killed...the lying and deceit practiced about the event from the top down, propped up and enabled by the state controlled news media, the secretary of state finally offered testimony. In the queries and amid many blatant lies,  irritated, she blasted, "With all due respect the fact is we have 4 dead Americans. WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE?"

            At this point, many of we old disabled veterans would ask, "Did it make a difference that 126,000 Americans are buried on foreign soil? Thousands buried in national cemeteries, including Arlington, in America?"

            In the year 2013, since 1973, 40 years, 57 million babies aborted after the Supreme Court legalized the killing of our most innocent. At this point, what difference does it make in all these lives? (Now, young people who would be paying taxes, musicians, doctors, teachers, mothers, and fathers.)  It did make a difference to those who aborted the babies. Many of whom have breast cancer-eating disorders-acute depression.

            At this point, what difference does it make to God-national integrity-family life that same sex marriage is being promoted from The White House to the church house.

            At this point, what difference does it make if one goes to Hell for murder or gambling? Sin is sin. The Godless democrat party who wanted God out of their platform should be indifferent to every type decadence.

            At this point, what difference will it make that our female military soldiers are just men with longer hair? Have we not done enough damage to the once greatest military in the world infiltrating the ranks with homosexuals?  This field grade army medical officer would be the first to tell you that a woman can drive a truck-fly a plane-maneuver a helicopter just as well as a man. Perhaps some women have good marksmen skills, certainly can operate a computer. Men need a cause, have always been the protectors. Women offer sensitivity, the maternal instincts. It is when the enemy such as radical Islamists who degrade their own women are furnished a female captive (as history has shown), the real difference materializes.  

            The toughest, meanest men I have ever known, kicked out of ranger and seal ambitions.

            To the uninitiated, everything is obscure.  The difference in warfare, capitalism, foreign relations...indeed, everything involving government, depends on the right people making the right decisions.

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