Wednesday, January 30, 2013



            Named for the Celtic God of thunder, world warfare's latest deadly peroxym, leading to robot wars, Britain's drone flying faster than the speed of sound, unmanned, actually picking out its target, evades enemy radar with its single-wing STEALTH design.

            In Margaret Thatcher's 862 page book, The Downing Street Years, she makes the statement, "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack, it means they have not a single political argument left."

            This writer believes that only those who have never seen or known war keep building more advanced war-ing weapons and the greater powers inserting themselves into people and nations who are mostly interested in having enough food to survive one more day. The world is STEALTH, USA chief culprit inserting itself by STEALTH means into nation after nation in an attempt to influence the nation and above all "lift" from the nation's resources-assets (oil, uranium, copper, gold,) the latest continent "FLEESTS" by the world's super powers, Africa. There are 42 nations on the African continent (this writer has traveled most of them), highly trained U.S special forces are already involved in 26 of these nations and will be in 35 by year's in. Such forces are usually already there before anything about such is on the news, Mali, the latest prey. It has been 30 years since this writer was in Mali, Timbuktu, Banko, Dogon country, etc. Those poor striving people have no inkling of world politics but with radical Islamic terrorism, super powers "think" they have the right to interfere.

            Americans have no concept of their STEALTH involvement into world tragedy. Hardworking, tax paying, God fearing men and women intent on making a living-raising a family, paying an inordinate amount of their income for an imposter regime with their taxes, to finance killings around the world. Even killings here in this country in abortion clinics (Planned Parenthood, abortion clinics, billions in tax subsidies) but, just as with so many other things, the state controlled news media never mentions it. The world, nature, both flora and fauna, speaks of life. Satan has tried to sell death. Do we really think we will escape the wrath of God? Do we really think there was anything happening in Sodom and Gomorra that is not happening in the big cities of America today?

            In the very beginning, the paradise of the garden of Eden, God established his rights with just one tree. You can not have it all. He is "boss", expects trust from those to whom he has given life. Adam and Eve chose the spirit of death instead of the spirit of life and after 13,000 years, nothing has changed. People still prefer darkness to light, death to life. Those who kill the most innocent, babies in the mother's womb, children in foreign countries who only want the basics of living, God would say to the world's war-ing leaders, "What is wrong with you?"

            Courage requires honesty, not using technology for killing. The human heart can not understand the masquerade of world leaders behind masks of deceit, defying God and every decency of man kind...often, not even for their own personal financial benefit. A man can only eat so much food, spend and hoard so much money. Obviously, they just want the power.  Tragedy, these power brokers, egotists, enabled by the world's news media.

            In this writers lifetime, there have been much income paper, words, that have changed my life for the better. The sun will not set on a piece of ground in the world, there is not a town or city in the world where the Apostle Paul's words are not used or read to this day. The largest city in South America, San Paulo, named for this Apostle, one of the world's greatest churches, St. Paul's-London, named for this one man. God dictating Paul's words, my ambitions, "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death" (Phil 3:10). In fellowship with him, he took that which he did not deserve and gave me the honesty-courage which I do not deserve. He gave me life and took my death, he took my sins, and gave me his righteousness. 

            People who want to deal with STEALTH war activities should learn about the supernatural liberty of life, a gift from God. But, Satan and those he controls, do not want anything to do with truth, the freedom of truth. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). The eternal word of God became the spoken word then became the written word. There is nothing stealth, hidden, unclear, about God's book. In his word you have everything you ever need for life. You can study, memorize, follow him in baptism, sit on many church pews but never come under God's control until you have a relationship with God's only son, Jesus Christ. My best is not enough. If only we could have had the opportunity which Peter had, to actually walk with God. For Peter to fail, as he did, tells us something. Satan is a tempter beyond all description and if Peter could fall, we mere mortals of the 21st century are just sitting ducks. 99 of 100 Christians did not pray this morning for God to keep them from temptation...Satan's stealth activity. This writer can well understand why non believers have so much trouble understanding the supposed faith of believers. There is nothing secretive-difficult about the Christian faith, JUST TOUGH. As one atheist in England said to me, "If I really believed what you say you believe, I would crawl on my hands and knees across England attempting to keep my fellow man from going to an eternal Hell."

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