I have a new definition for our new America, we are no longer capitalistic, not yet socialistic, communistic, hedonistic, nihilistic. My new description is wantonistic, I define wantonism as follows: A country without regard for what is right, just, humane, without motive, easily provocative, sexually lawless and unrestrained, obsessively extravagant. To me, this described America in the 21st century, wantonism.
From 1792 until 1892, the Supreme Courts described America as a Christian nation. This was thrown out long ago as we soaked up, like a sponge, every decadent practice Satan brought our way. I stood, looking at the great rose window in Notre Dame cathedral, Christ at the center, extending in every direction, the beatitudes. Man decided long ago, that he knew more about the teachings of Christ than did God. God told us everything we needed to know in His book, there is nothing to be added. God described our life adventure as a runner in the race, most of us will finish the race beaten up, limping, there will be many stars at the goalpost, even though we have been told what to do and how to do it. The traps of the world, the flesh, the devil having tempted and entangled most of us. We simply do not have the courage of faith.
The average person spends 34 hours a week watching slop on television, knows nothing of God's eternal Word. I do not want a surgeon to cut on me who has not taken the time to study and memorize Words written by the very hand of God. I do not want to ride over a bridge built by an engineer who has not taken the time to study the Work of the Creator/builder of the universe.
We pledge allegiance to our flag saying, “and liberty and justice for all.” Tell me how much justice the 3400 babies have, who are killed each day in the abortion holocaust of our nation. Tell me about the justice of the old people who in many places spend $13,000 a month on nursing home care. Tell me about security, home of the free, when there are face-scanning cameras at every event. Tell me about government safety when regulators allow Taco Bell to sell tacos with 35% meat, the rest just fillers and binders, adding that much more toxicity to the human digestive system. Detoxification from Big Pharma's drugs is our greatest national health problem. In Norway, most diseases were cured after antibiotics were declared unsafe.
It not necessity, but laziness that is the mother of invention. We have become a spoiled, lazy people. Two scientists discovered, long ago, that trauma of any type, particularly a national catastrophe will cause us to accept anything without question. There are sensible answers to many of our problems. Why should the American traveler pay a $360 gasoline surcharge for an airline ticket to fly across the ocean, a $185 landing fee?
In my trips to the USSR and to Yugoslavia, both before and after communism, I was told of the danger in speaking out against the government. Many of us have already learned the cost of conservatism in America. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. (2 Timothy 4:3) From the White House, to the church house, to the school house, to the court house, we want political correctness. Don't talk to us about truth, we want loving, caressing, smooth words. We do not want to be bogged down with the “cares of the world” (Mark 4). Most still believe that there are pockets in caskets.
I was a very young man, a very young speaker when I told Southern Baptists that if Satan had wanted to invent something to make people just as mean as possible, to destroy the imaginative genius of the mind, he would have invented a television set. I have advised so many parents to throw theirs out the door. One woman told me she was able to carry hers to the garage where she took an axe to it. In some homes, they are never shut off, just imagine spending an average of 34 hours a week, watching government/Satan mind control...and that is all it is, mind control.
The greatest adventure in the world, the greatest gift from God to our senses, the gift of reading. From the printed page, the magic of electronic impulses gathered by the eyes, transferred through the brain and stored as knowledge, as enjoyment, as memories. I pity anyone who does not know the joy of books. It has been many years since I read anything, since I have been totally blind for 50 years. 50 years ago, the Veteran's administration promised me a machine that reads books...I am still waiting.
There is a human need for the understanding gained through the reading of books. You say, “well, you can just watch these things on television.” No, you are seeing what someone else interprets. From the written page, you interpret and have your own imagination of everything. There is a price that you pay for your understanding, because the intelligent human being will speak out concerning his interpretation, he will not swallow the subliminal mind control. Even now, I remember so fondly the many books I read as a child, the teachers who encouraged my reading. Even now, I remember the college professors who encouraged my reading and writing, who made, alive, the famous authors of the world, bright and brazen enough to put their thoughts on paper. I remember the brilliant author who taught me creative writing...there she stood, dark glasses, always puffing on a cigarette, Jessie Rehder, “you are the mind that can captivate another's mind...to hell with those who call you names.” Even now I remember the joy of Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind, the fact that one person can use her intelligence, her imagination, her knowledge, to quicken the brain fibrils of another fellow human being. It is only with books that we become enraptured by the mind of a Hemingway, Buck, Dickens, just think, the very words written by the Hand of the One Who threw the stars into space. Inerrant, eternal words, to even imagine that these words mean so little to most people. God's Word cannot only change one's life, but one's eternal destiny.
Literature can change one's life, on this earth, in this nation. Every word in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution was carefully crafted. Presented to this democratic republic as a map for capitalism, with its prosperity, ability to shape not only this nation, but the life of every person in the world. We have become an indifferent, obstinate, rebellious, wanton society...wantonism.