Traveling the world, every continent, every ocean, the waves of the ocean have always been a source of stability for me. My beach home is located just a few feet from the Atlantic ocean. Even though it has been 50 years since I was able to see the ocean, I can still hear the waves crashing on the sands. I know that the tides, through the intricate manipulation of our Creator with the moon, can be accurately timed. Walking on the seashore, wherever in the world, you have that stability of knowing that although things on land are in constant change (usually for the worst), the great oceans of the world are a constant source of stability. He knew what He was doing.
According to Rolling Stone magazine, warfare has now achieved that expectation...that there should be no waves about anything. The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in "psychological operations" to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators. In Reader's Digest, Marine General Smedley D. Butler wrote, War is a Racket. Most veterans know the racketeering of war, the military. The ordinary American is used and abused by the manipulators on Wall Street and K Street. There was a time when wars were fought by the military, military men making decisions. We have not been able to win a war since WWII, mostly because it has become a political bounty hunt. Lyndon Johnson, manipulating the Vietnam War from the White House, said that he did not want an “outhouse” bombed in Vietnam without his permission.
The waves of indifference to the plight of the veterans is well known to the veteran, but of no concern to anyone else. This totally blind veteran, who gave his professional skills from many years of hard work and training, could not get even a white cane and talking watch from VA. You are just thrown away like so much depleted uranium (DR), poisoning the bodies of innocent children in Iraq. The waves of indifference, slave masters over the poor, is seen in the waves of unbelievable attitudes of Gaddafi towards his citizens of Libya, Mubarak toward his citizens of Egypt, the other dictators and tyrants of the world toward their citizens. The entire world is heading that way. Lenin said it best. “the masses are only worth something in relation to their benefit to the state.”
Much like the liberals' excitement for green energy, such as wind turbines. More energy is used in the production of wind turbine itself, than will ever be extracted from the turbine. It is only when the turbine is spinning so fast that you cannot see the blades, that any energy whatsoever is being produced, it takes so much energy just to start the turbine, and wind is so unpredictable. But, like the bell hanging around the cow's neck, it makes the liberals feel good to hear and know that they are there, productive or not.
We have a schizophrenia going on in the Arab world. Arabs, like American politicians trying to decide which benefits them most, the east or west. Wealth pursued biblical Abraham because he was a man of character and destiny. Charisma can only get someone so far, but it takes character to get most of the distance. When will a Sunni Muslim such as Obama understand (Obama, who was the first serving American president to shake the hand of Gaddafi on July 8th, 2009, as well as his giving the Muslim bow to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia), surely American intelligence had revealed to Obama that Gaddafi was responsible for the shooting down of the American plane over Lackabee, Scotland and the killing of so many Americans. Are there no lines of demarcation in the waves of hypocrisy, not only in the treatment of Americans, but the beguiling of foreigners?
Was it not decided at the Guadalajara, Mexico summit between Obama, Calderon and Harper, that troops from each country would be used to enforce the policies of each other on their respective soils. You can be sure with the inflation of energy prices, food prices, the increased waves of knowledge by the “common folk”, that the world is in quagmire of global corruption. Waves of rebellion can happen here, just as in North Africa and the Middle East, like matches around dynamite, the human spirit is capable of explosion.
The waves of mind drift for many so-called concerned human beings has been a mystery to many of us. The fact that billions are in abject poverty and slavery in China and India and other police states. The fact that billions of babies have been destroyed in the abortion holocaust of the China “one child” policy, and even the Planned Parenthood eugenics of America...3,500 of the most innocent killed each day, 52% of all black babies. There is no doubt that in the mind of even the most liberal, that a person, of one cell or billions of cells, is still an individual in the eyes of almighty God. We will see what happens with the religious community, the academic community, the racial communities with the “personhood amendment”, first introduced in Colorado, now introduced in Mississippi, defining personhood as beginning with the fertilized egg, giving the fertilized eggs the same constitutional rights as any other person.
For those of us who remember the struggles of the civil rights movement of the 1960s, the thwarting of civil rights simply because of the color of the skin by white, elitist democrats. It will be interesting to see how these blacks, integrated into the American promise, particularly black churches, will show compassion on the weakest of all individuals, the unborn.
This weekend, the last WWI veteran, died in Charleston, WV at the age of 110. We will see if the waves of indifference toward America's veterans, particularly the disabled veteran and the handicapped citizens changes. The greatest shame of this nation are the waves of indifference toward the disabled veteran and the handicapped citizens. These waves of indifference are almost as hypocritical and despicable as the waves of indifference from so-called Christians toward the real church, the bride of Jesus Christ. Like the grains of sand, God knows you, waves may move you around, but God knows you. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand... (Psalm 139:17-18)