A scene almost beyond comprehension: cardinals kissing a wooden casket brought up from the grave-grotto in the beatification process leading to the sainthood of Pope John Paul II. Dead since 2005, the popular pope, after a 27 year reign, is in process for sainthood. 1½ million Catholics filled St. Peter's Square during the May 1st ceremony. I'm sure there were guards, because in the past, relics such as bones of sainted cardinals, even drops of blood from the corpse caught on cloth, have sold for a tremendous price.
At least we know that the Pope is dead and that his body is probably in the box. There is zero credibility about the supposed death of Osama bin Laden, zero credibility about the President's account of the death, and zero credibility for the press secretary's participation. 55% of the American population believes that Osama bin Laden was actually killed. The only gracious thing you can say about the matter is its consistent inconsistencies. Each question, each answer, each photograph has been in dispute. Like the long-awaited presidential birth certificate...lies, lies, lies. People of limited mentality love lies, always we had rather hear lies than the truth. Hitler's chief of propaganda said he could make a square of a circle or a circle of a square. Was there actually a burial at sea, who was under the sheet? Can you trust anyone, military or otherwise, involved in such an obvious charade?
From 1799 to 1892, even the Supreme Court of the United States judged this a Christian nation. Probably the only truth Obama has ever told is that this is no longer a Christian nation. Christians believe in truth. Jesus Christ told us that He is truth (John 17:17)
On the same day of the beatification, your tax dollars dedicated a new chapel at the Air Force Academy in Colorado for druids and wiccans. The liars of the present administration, the devotees of the democrat party, the communist atheizers and the ordinary uninformed ignorant liberals, both on the shaded university campuses and the barren ghettos, do not know any better. In the slow crawl towards enslavement, they have not realized that Americans are just as much slaves as those on any Cuban or North Korean street. Citizens have certain privileges, the slave has none. Systematically, protracted, the American citizen no longer owns anything.
You may think you own your car until your consider its taxation, title, license, insurance, or the fact that you paid for the car with signed and numbered federal reserve notes, owned by the government. You may think you own your house, its furnishings, but try not paying your ad valorem taxes, fees, or utility bills. In fact, the time has arrived that you will not be able to sell your car or anything else you own without government inspection and certification. If you have a computer, cell phone, the government owns every transaction taking place through the air. You think you own your own children, but the state owns your children, particularly if they go to a public school. The government can inject your children with deadly viruses as an “inoculation against disease”, with your much desired socialized healthcare, your very life is in the hands of the taxpaying public. You wanted safety, security, privacy. Now, you have none of the above!
It does not lessen our blessed Lord's love for you, but He went to the Cross to die for your sins and your healing, it was the will of His father. It will not lessen His love for you, but God gave the American citizen great freedom, opportunity, a chance for responsible living, but the Satanic forces of evil, the sorcery and deception of big money and big living, robbed everyone and we became bond servants. Better that we were slaves, the slave holds the master accountable for his very existence. Why take care of your own yard? Let the government do it (as they do in the housing projects)! Why work for your food? Let the government give you a card! Why work for college when there are grants and loans? More money is now owed on college loans than commercial credit cards! What a fool this old, totally blind, 100% disabled service-connected veteran was to work at night so he could go to school during the day to become a doctor. So unappreciated that the government has never even given this blind veteran a white cane or talking watch.
If America is going to send its young men and women to these ridiculous wars around the world, they should be told ahead of time what to expect if fortunate enough to return in some state of health. Even the plantation slave master had empathy for the downtrodden. In fact, when emancipated, most preferred to stay on the plantation.
The new democratic republic system of government is much like the caged animal who constantly walks around, checking the bars of enslavement. Suddenly, the cage door is opened and he is free, but he has no where to go, so he goes back into the cage. Very much like our farm animals: the cow might jump the fence, the hog might root under the fence, but they would always return. They had been made totally dependent on an welfare existence.
In God, we have been bought with a tremendous price, the price of God-man on the Cross. Learn to separate human living from human existence. For the believer, eternal life has already begun, we are saints whether anyone believes it or not. What else is there?
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