This morning I ordered myself a new paper shredder. I shred my ton (each American citizen “produces” ~1 ton of garbage each year) of paper waste (credit cards, advertisements, etc.), all unsolicited material, which comes in my mailbox every day. I can use this shredded material for packing the products which I sell in my business. The time has come when everyone must start thinking about garbage and the effect of garbage on our country.
The most famous example of garbage disposal is the barge from Manhattan Island which traveled 6000 miles to Belize, South America, and after 8 international refusals, was finally incinerated back in Manhattan, where it departed. The 400 million tonnes of garbage produced by Americans each year is mostly buried in landfills, some of it is incinerated. This does not include the many backyard “burn barrels” and other ways of eliminating garbage like compost piles and private landfills.
From one who has traveled the world, I can tell you that in spite of our many shortcomings, we do a better job with waste than most countries, particularly third world nations such those as in Africa. The most disgusting site in a country is garbage lining otherwise-beautiful thoroughfares. Some rivers are so full of garbage that they can be set on fire! So many people think that rivers and oceans, on their own, dispose of garbage. It is predicted that most of the world's marine life will be eliminated because of waste in the ocean...mostly plastic, which can never be eliminated from the ocean.
Plastic simply does not decompose. I challenge you to do this research: bury a plastic cup in your backyard. It will be there forever, ready for use (after being washed). Most pottery, glass or metal will eventually decompose; not so with plastic. Bury a body in a casket of cardboard, wood, or metal and these caskets will eventually decompose, go back to the earth. Bury someone in a plastic garbage bag, and it will never decompose. The funeral homes have discovered this, and this is why so many expensive caskets are rented for just a few days. The casket is taken back to the funeral home and the body is left in plastic, particularly if there is reason to believe the family will not pay the costs.
The chemicals for plastics were developed mid-19th century. The useful plastics such as Nylon, Bakelite, PVC were developed in the first half of the 20th century. I well remember the earliest plastics, the so-called “wax paper”. Today, nearly every human utensil, every expendable is made from cheap plastic (toothbrushes, razors, kitchenware, construction/lawn products of every type) and we find these plastics in the bellies of most sea creatures, as well as other animals. Today, most of the materials used in our life, whether a toothbrush or your vehicle, are made of some form of plastic along with the bags used to dispose of it.
Because “Big Pharma”, “Big Chemical”, “Big Academia” and “Big Government” are all involved in “Big Plastics” and government grants controls the scientific community, nothing will be done about the effects of plastics on the health of the American people. Just the thought that every day, millions of Americans drink hot drinks from plastic cups, buy meats wrapped in plastic—leeching chemicals into their drinks and food, and then into their systems, destroying their health—is enough to cause some concern.
“Concern” is a lost word in most vocabularies. In 1830, it was determined that fluoride was a dangerous chemical to both animal and plant life. Industry was emitting so much fluoride into the air that smoke stacks were built higher. IG Farben, Hitler's chemical war machine, the maker of synthetics that kept his WWII going for 5 years, as with so many other things...determined that fluoride in the water supplies dumbed-down the people under their enslavement.
Some “smart” American scientist decided that fluoride and chloride put in municipal water systems would prevent tooth decay. The questionable research started in the 1940s with the knowledge of Hitler's romance with chemistry. In the 1960s, many of us were concerned about the “rat poisons”, fluoride and chloride, being put in the so-called treatment facilities of municipal water supplies. I remembered how a retired Navy medical officer, Dr. Stenhouse, and myself stood before the politicians questioning the veracity of their actions. Of course, as always, in order to get anything passed, there must be a line of physicians and scientists to approve it. There must always be antagonists such as a Castro, an unpopular politician, an unpopular preacher or Christian activist, held up against such “progress”. After all, everyone wants to prevent tooth decay; even though if you swallow toothpaste containing fluoride, you are advised to take remedial poisoning action.
A barrel of fluoride at the Rock Island water treatment plant was accidentally spilled in the parking lot; it ate away the cement! The tragedy, as in my local city...taking water from a dirty river, in which sewage from many other cities has been poured, treating the water with poison before it goes into your home, the sewage leaving your home being treated with more poison before it is put back in the river.
We know the dangers of cooking in aluminum pots and pans. Do we realize that fluoride is connected with aluminum? The aluminum found in chem trails, the aluminum enclosing us as we travel in a plane, our vehicles, our soft-drink and beer containers, and we wonder why so many people have Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases.
Sickness is not normal. Sickness comes from what we put in our mouth...food and chemicals. Next to fluoride in drinking water is aspartame in soft drinks; there is nothing more deadly to the human body than diet soft drinks. Coca-Cola sold nearly 927 million cases of its diet soda in 2010, eclipsing Pepsi's 892 million. “Oh, but if I drink a diet soda, I will not put on weight!” Why not drink the fluid God put on this earth for you to drink: H2O? Your life depends on your ingestion of oxygen; Ozone, O3, is the most important element for your life.
When I was in school, diabetes and cancer were rare diseases; today both are epidemic, simply because people treat their body (the temple of God) as a garbage dump. Diabetes can be cured with correct diet and exercise. The “Thickburger”, which tastes so good, contains over 1400 calories! For a very long time we have known that fats, sugar and salt are the causes of most sickness. In my practice, over and over, a patient would come to me with blurred vision. I knew their trouble without asking one question! When you would look in the eyes with the opthalmoscope you could see their diabetic condition. But, they did not want to give up their foods which caused their sickness, they had rather take a pill or a needle and keep on living the way they want to live, enabled by their loving family members.
I would say to my diabetic parents, raised on southern cooking (put it in a frying pan with lard and fry the hell out of it), “you need to leave off salts, fats and sweets.” they like most of my patients would not follow instructions. My father would always say, “I have outlived all my doctors.”... and this was probably true. Their doctors did not care either; if the reception room was not full of patients, who was going to pay for those two Mercedes in the driveway, the expensive home, the expensive wife, expensive children going to expensive schools and colleges? As one of my doctor friends said, “I can look at my appointment book for the day, and tell you how much money I will take home at the end of the day.” Early American families had meal times, no eating between meals. Today, you eat just anytime. On any street, there are many places serving food...stimulation, arousal, activation, rewards.
The same Book which gives us answers to questions about everything else, gives us answers about eating. The Jews actually believed that the body is the temple of God, nothing unclean went into the body. If a mouse went into a pottery dish, since it cannot be sterilized, it must be thrown away. (Leviticus 11:33) There is nothing dirtier than a rodent, with no control of their excretory system, excreting everywhere. As a student, I worked for awhile in the college cafeteria; there were rats everywhere. This sophisticated, scientific, liberal, heathen center of learning...poisoning their students and staff. Much like their counterparts in the public schools, promoting politicians who support abortions...ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:3). Made in the image of God, His chief creation, treated like a garbage disposal.
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