General George Patton said, “say what you mean and mean what you say.” I have never had a talent for small talk, useless prattle. Don't waste my time with such, life is too short and there is too little time to do so much. The difference in dreams and goals: anyone can dream, but you put a date on goals.
The first time I was in Israel, you had the immigration stamp on a plain sheet of paper, not in your passport. Many countries of the world would not allow you to enter if your passport contained the stamp from Israel.
Attempting to leave Ben Gurion Airport, Tel-Aviv, an inoculation was necessary because of an outbreak of a disease affecting the Arab natives. Years later, in Israel again, I was talking about such with a British doctor at the same airport. She told me that she had been there in 1972, and was one of those wounded during the terrorist shootings in which 26 were killed. She had just picked up her bag from the carousel, the same carousel which brought in the bags of the terrorists containing the machine guns and the hand grenades. She told me of the death all around her, blood everywhere...most of a Christian group from Puerto Rico had been slaughtered. I will never forget her words, “death is so close without knowing, all the time, you can almost touch it.” Mortality in the world is still 100%.
Death has become so sanitized. I meet young people who have never been to a funeral, they still look at death as a video game, movie experience. The person might get shot, might play dead, but will come back alive.
Death is the separation of the body from the soul. Parts of the body can be transplanted but the soul, the real you, your personality, everything about you that is personal, is without mass, weightless, magical-spiritual. There is consternation, even conflict about when the soul leaves the body. The Muslim believes the soul leaves the body when the body is put in the ground. Jews believe the soul hovers around the body for a few days. These rigid descendents of Abraham believe in immediate burial, no embalming.
The examiners test for circulation, respiration; often you have a neurological death, are declared brain dead, you can have ventilation of organs to keep the body alive for awhile. One must use much care in not allowing immediate dissection of the body, harvesting and farming out organs. There are a critical few minutes involved, though pronounced dead, many bodies revive. There are many people walking the earth today who were pronounced dead.
It is amazing how hastily some examiners will pronounce death. I am convinced from my studies, that many people in colonial times, before embalming became standard, were buried alive . Once that trocar needle is put in the body, your blood removed, the embalming fluid put into the vessels, you are most definitely dead. The purging, decomposing corpse of yesteryear might regain life.
One black funeral home operator told me that he went to a home to pick up a body. He rolled the conveyance into an elevator for the trip to the embalming room, and as he stood next to the body, a hand reached out and took his. He said, “I almost tore up my elevator, but the deceased was not deceased!”
There are thousands of people alive today who were thought to be dead. This is one diagnosis in which you cannot cut corners. Just as soon as the hospital or others find you are an organ donor, especially if you are young, especially with the demand for organs, you will become a donor.
The scientists such as Stephen Hawking are looked for one thing that determines everything. He wants the natural man to be converted to an equation. With the systems involved, man's crowning glory, his nervous system, it is not so simple.
The generosity of God is never more evident or pronounced than in the generosity of His Holy Spirit in our lives. Only God is capable of pulling the plug. Beware of the commerce of body parts...becoming one of the most profitable and prolific adventures of the world. Many hospitals “presume consent”, much mystery surrounds the scavenging of body parts. God is silent on many things, this certainly includes transferring body parts from the dead to the living, from lower animals to man. If there is ever a time for moral certainty, it is at a time of death.
Rich old people do not mind buying the body parts from poverty-stricken young people, especially from third world countries. A moral dilemma: struggling families selling body parts in order to survive. An even greater moral dilemma: embryonic stem-cell research, proliferation and incubation of cells from human fetuses for inoculations.
Families are often ready for the elderly or the disabled to leave this world. The sick and disabled take up so much time, so much money, it is a relief when they are gone. “They would not want to stay around and be a burden”, and you have all heard people say, “I do not want to stay around and be a burden or expense to anyone.” You can be sure that a bankrupt government, Obama-care death panels, inflation in everything growing at tremendous speed. More and more states, more and more minds wanting assisted suicide, death and burial will become more and more a procedural scientific goal.
One of the greatest sicknesses I ever encountered on this earth, standing on a Godless, communist Chinese operating room watching technicians that the viable, strategic organs from Chinese prisoners (eyes, mouths taped, their bodies taped to the gurney) replacing diseased organs in older, sick Chinese patients. I believe Christ took this activity, these diseases, these practices to the cross. (Isaiah 53)
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