President Bush (41) was severely criticized because he did not go all the way to Baghdad in the first Gulf War. In the second Gulf War (Iraq War), President Bush (43) ordered troops to Baghdad and the Army entered on March 20th, 2003. In a television spectacle called “Shock and Awe”, planes were dropping bombs on the city, tanks shelling the city in every direction. As I listened to the unprovoked terror, I could not help but think of the women and children; huddled in homes, scared beyond all comprehension, not knowing what was going on. Meanwhile, Americans sat watching such on television, thoroughly entertained, enjoying the horrendous spectacle while eating their popcorn. Baghdad, one of the world's oldest and most fascinating cities, fell on April 9. Then until now, warfare, death and sorrow. I know of no jubilation at any time in Iraq. In these Middle East wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, now in Libya, and to a limited extent, many other places, we see the beginning of WWIII.
After almost ten years, some Americans felt the need for jubilation after hearing of the “supposed” death of Osama bin Laden. Islam is a one-way street, many enter, but few leave. We forget that the one billion Muslims in the world, like the rest of us, were created by God. I can find no joy or jubilation at the death of Muslims any more than I can understand the weird actions of Muslims celebrating in the streets when the “supposed” planes' burning kerosene hit the towers in Manhattan. I have tried to understand how and why burning kerosene (the fuel of jets) did not destroy the cook stoves, heating systems, lighting systems (almost all made of metal) in the homes of so many of the world's citizens.
What joy can anyone possibly take in the troubles of other people, even your supposed enemies, in warfare or actions of nature...floods in the Midwest, fires in Texas, tornadoes throughout the south land, earthquakes and tsunamis in the Pacific areas? God talks to us in all these things, but so few listen. More or less like this past Easter Sunday, the resurrection story, so many leaving church the same way they entered: unaffected.
The news first broke about the “supposed” death of Osama bin Laden about 10:15 pm. It came via Twitter from someone in the intelligence circles of government. Then, with great fanfare, the master politician of all times, President Obama, playing the announcement to the extreme. Now and always, using all of the “rules for radicals” played to his base...those who so desire to be jubilant about anything that this man does. They have not yet realized what is going on in this country. That Obama, like Osama, will both face the wrath of God.
We live in a world where it is difficult to recognize our enemies. Even so, the apostle Paul tells us to pray for our enemies. Then, now and always, in every action of every nation, our only hope is the mercy of God. ...for his mercy endureth for ever. (Psalm 106:1) ...for his mercy endureth for ever. (Psalm 107:1)...because his mercy endureth for ever. (Psalm 118:1) ...for his mercy endureth for ever (Psalm 136:1)
The supposed killing this weekend, a victory for the military and intelligence, is not the end of terrorism...it may even encourage such. For political purposes, we have home-grown terrorists. Through wisdom is a house built; and by understanding it is established (Proverbs 24:3) History proves that it takes a providential guiding hand to build, but not much intelligence to destroy. Soberly, we rejoice when God brings justice. Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth. Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him. (Proverbs 24:17-18)
Because of our open borders, we can depend on backlash; because there are those wanting one world government, we can depend on increased scanning at airports, less freedom and more interference in our lives. As Dr. Franklin said, “we will forsake all privacy for security.” Remember the fragility of life and possessions. God owns everything, we brought nothing with us and will not take anything away.
Osama bin Laden must have had a wretched life, coming from a wealthy family, has a world-wide following, but living as a haunted, hunted man...supposedly very ill. There are many forms of extremism, such as the killing of 53 million babies in America. Planned Parenthood clinics, financed from your tax dollars ($360 million in government grants)... just think, 52% of all black babies are aborted. The largest abortion clinic outside the nation of China, located in Houston, TX (fourth-largest city in the US) in the minority area of the city.
America will not escape justice any more than any Islamic country (Psalm 98:9). When Bush (43) said, “bring it on”, there was no reason for Americans to be jubilant. Remember, only a Christ-less eternity and the justice of God awaits those who are lost, no matter their religion, skin color, or nationality. It is a mental disorder to celebrate death, warfare; jubilation over the death of your enemy; even the defeat of your enemy in time of war, does not lessen the grief and pain of the innocent.
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