The greatest question in the study of human nature: why people do what they do? We do not always have the advantage of the historian in looking backwards, studying things after they have already happened. As Bill Cosby, the comedian, so aptly said about Noah, “Noah must have had a strange conversation with God.” The very idea of building such a large boat when Noah had probably never seen an ocean, or even a small lake. In fact, it had never rained on earth before.
Can we even imagine the consternation of nearly 3 million Jews walking around the fortress city of Jericho, one time around each day for seven days, and then seven times on the seventh day? God had told them not to speak a word. They had learned obedience the hard way in the desert, they saw the older people buried because of disobedience and unbelief. Just imagine these Jews--who do enjoy talking and complaining--following the same lumpy backsides of their fellow citizens without a port-a-john, food or water around a great city. God probably had His ear close to the ground, just to see if anyone would dare disobey. Think of the sight of men carrying the Ark of the Covenant ahead of the them like a great Abrams-Panzer tank. Just imagine the populace of Jericho, standing on the wall of that great city, watching that scene. The people of Jericho must have already decided that there were aliens in their land because they knew about the crossing of the Red Sea.
God's ways are not our ways. Biblical history, human history, science, everything proves this truth. For who has known the mind of the Lord (Romans 11:34). Hath not the potter power over the clay? (Romans 9:21) It is written. (Romans 9:13) God could have made us robots. HE IS BOSS, He does what pleases Him, He only asks for our obedience, our trust. The clay does not instruct the potter. In a remote place in Africa, I was watching a potter deal with clay, there was a goat herd nearby. The potter never took his eyes off the wheel. the goat herder controlled the goats, the potter controlled the pottery. I have found that most people, and much to my sorrow, most church people, would believe in God if they could tell God what to do. If only they could rewrite the Bible according to their specifications, their wishes, their moral boundaries.
The clay vessels which the potter rejects, he throws into the trash heap, in Biblical times this was called the “potter's field”. It was there that the despised, broken, hypocritical imposter, imperfect betrayer of our blessed Lord, Judas---selling our Lord for the price of a hog, thirty pieces of silver---was thrown after his suicide. Today, one does not even name their dog Judas.
Having served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, having converted to Catholicism, Tony Blair, in 2008, founded another new “faith foundation”. Once, Robert Engersaw, perhaps America's greatest atheisizer, said he could write a book better than the Bible...one woman told him to get started because there would be a lot of money in it. Starters of faith movements learned long ago about the “golden rule”: the one with gold makes the rules. Blair, using his international celebrity in an attempt to prevent extremism in the world's leading religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
In the efforts toward globalism, new world government, the United Nations is trying to bring all religious efforts under its umbrella. Blair wants all religions to share value of respect, justice and compassion, he wants to use the methods of 21st century communication to bring together all believers in anything. Lukewarm Christians like Rick Warren have jumped on his wagon. “One world religion” like “one world government”, does not mind using the word “God”, it is only when you refer to the name of our blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, that the soothsayers rebel. Jesus preached himself, Jesus has told us over and over that He is the way, the truth, the life. It is the Christian socialism preached by the African churches, the liberal pragmatism preached by the apostate churches...the straight from hell, the come-as-you-are, the dragging along of your pecuniary ideas involving everything that is a stench in the nostrils of the Creator of the universe.
God must have a sense of humor. Tony Blair, Robert Schuller, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, the Pope of Rome...peace at any price. We are lost if we have forsaken the holiness of worship, lost if not recognizing a world of starving souls, lost if not recognizing a world of man-made sorcery. It is totally beyond my understanding that even those who claim the name of Christ do not comprehend sin's ruin and Christ's redemption. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10)
Forget Blair, Islam, Buddha, the Pope of Rome, we are His workmanship. (Ephesians 2:10) We do not know the apostle Paul's relationship with Caesar's household as found in the last chapter of the Book of Romans. We do not know much about Mary, Martha, Lazarus and the early Christians' footprints in the south of Europe, we do not know much about Joseph of Arimathea and his library at Glastonbury in England, we do not know much about his book that survived the abbey fire and are now at Oxford. We know that Christ is real in our lives. The holy spirit of God in our thinking, that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. (Romans 8:37)
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