Everyday, the Christian feels that he is rowing upstream against the profane currents of satanic activities rushing his way. The United Nations and most of its members, are promoting a new world religion, a religion worshiping “mother earth”, giving the earth and its terrain, animal-life and plant-life the same rights as human beings...an earth-worshiping religion.
I was in Bucharest, Romania during the horrid rule of Ceausescu. At the city's largest hotel I talked at length with a young man whose Christian parents had been imprisoned by the Communist regime. He was 9 years old at the time of the imprisonment and he, like the children of all Christian parents, was sent to a political indoctrination camp. He said, “I listened and pretended to absorb their humanist philosophy of hatred and earth-economic science, but the first time I was allowed to see my mother, I let her know that her Christian fervor had not been wasted on me.” Those familiar with recent history, know that even the Communist sympathizers had enough of Ceausescu, he and wife were both killed by Romanians on Christmas Day, 1989.
This blind writer knows the futility of physical blindness. The fact of losing my vision in the military service,the futility of dealing with government, the futility of working for 50 years with fellow citizens who do not care. But I know full well, more so every day of my life, that physical blindness can never be compared with spiritual blindness.
God made Adam from the dirt of the earth, dirt which contains every element that the human body needs. Eve, wife of Adam, was created from a bone in Adam's ribcage, next to Adam's heart, symbolizing support and submission; not from the bone of a foot, the head, another limb, but from the side. Parents, side-by-side, is the most important picture in a child's life.
The Romanian man was blessed to have parents who believed in God. His belief system, his discipline started in the playpen. Too many parents live to see the discipline of their children start in the penitentiary, instead of in the playpen. Even Jesus honored His parents. (Luke 2:51). The Bible is full of good information, but perhaps the best is found in “bringing up a child”. (Ephesians 6:4) Children who are reared in the admonition of God will not swallow humanist, Godless philosophy. They will think about earthly things which God has already done for them, giving mankind dominion over the earth, all plants and animals in submission to mankind, and the greatest act—almost beyond comprehension—God's atonement for man's sinfulness.
Wikileaks has given the world a glimpse into the decadence of American foreign policy. We know that Musharraf was paid millions to keep the lid on Pakistan's government (money put in a Swiss bank account). We witness the murder of Benazir Bhutto, who knew too much. Pakistan owns and controls nuclear weapons...a real problem for Kashmir, India, Saudi Arabia and other countries. We can well understand the tap dance of America, in spite of the masquerade of Pakistan helping shelter bin Laden and his harem, if indeed he was still alive. Bhutto had said he was dead ten years ago, and so had many others.
Who cares about truth, truth is rare, the tobacco industry in America was destroyed (growing, cigarette making, etc.) because scientists, whose every move is controlled through government grants, had said that smoking is bad for you. It probably is, although many still smoke cigarettes, especially women. However, I maintain more people dig their grave with a fork than smoke their way into one.
Last year, $167 billion was spent on obesity-related diseases. Two-thirds of all adults are overweight and one-half of all child are overweight. Diabetes, which was a rare disease in my youth, is now rampant. The profanity of the government giving money to the WIC program (Women Infants and Children['s Food Supplement]) for food which is spent on junk. I am told there is not enough nourishment in most grocery store carts to help anyone. There is probably more nourishment in the cardboard containers than the food in the box...to say nothing of the plastic, which is poisoning everyone. Obese parents always have obese children. We have become a Cracker Jack box society, more interested in toys than nourishing our starving cells. Those getting WIC money, welfare dollars, should buy nourishment, not happy meals. We are attempting to socialize human behavior according to wants, not needs.
The prophet Malachi preached 500 years before the birth of Christ, teaching the true values of living and giving. No better picture of profanity, a profane culture, than when our blessed Lord was betrayed and tried. The trial was illegal in every sense of the word, His followers knew nothing about it, His closest disciples deserted him, but the most profound action of humankind, the Creator of the universe, asking for their, and our, forgiveness.
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