If I were not chosen, a born-again believer in my blessed Redeemer, the Son of God—Who saved my soul—I would have a hard time doing what I do, facing every day, because we do what we do because we believe what we believe.
I can understand why so many are caught in the snare of unbelief...television preachers, pretenders, hypocrites, other religious belief systems in the world. A recent poll of Christians tells us that 57% of all Christians polled believed that you can go to heaven for any spiritual belief if you are sincere in your belief.
As a child, my first reflection on the strange, unusual religions of the world was a picture in a magazine of Aga Khan III, the 48th Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims, the first president of the All-India Muslim League, and President of the League of Nations from 1937-1938. Aga Khan III was instrumental, along with British royalty, in the bifurcation of India and Pakistan, and the father of the notorious Prince Aly Khan, who married America's Rita Hayworth.
On Aga Khan's Golden Jubilee (50th anniversary) as ruler of this part of the British empire, his followers worshiped him by giving him his weight in gold. Aga Khan III was given his weight in diamonds on his Diamond Jubilee (60th anniversary), and on his Platinum Jubilee (70th anniversary), his weight in platinum. Aga Khan III died in 1957, at age 79; his grandson, Aga Khan IV, age 74, succeeded him as the 49th imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims.
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. (James 1:12) The church in the time of Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) wallowed in corruption. So, impostors who claim the name of Christ are nothing new in the Christian community. The great preacher Oswald Chambers said, “God has not called us to success, but to obedience.” God tells us in no uncertain words, to show up for the fight.
The 21st century Christian, like the 1st century Christian, is walking down a straight road with every abstraction and sinful influence which Satan can dream up on every side...addictions, pornography, political decadence, church house indifference, social and moral temptations.
God only requires trust. On the straight road, if there was ever a time for trust, it is now. Chernobyl was the equivalent of 400 Hiroshimas. The recent meltdown in Japan at Fukushima, the radiation drifting across the Pacific—even though your government tries to ignore it—eventually we will all face the inevitable. Japan has tried to put a tent over the expanding radiation, but they know, just as we know, that because of their lies-deception, the people close to the meltdown are doomed.
Radioactive particles attach themselves to dust particles, these dust particles come down in rainfall. Across North America, with every rainfall, more accumulation of radioactive material on food stuffs, the grass eaten by cows...now found in milk and beef. Your government wants you to believe out of sight, out of mind (off the TV screen, out of mind).
It takes real men to stand up against the sorcery of government. Victor Hugo, french writer, said “adversity makes men, prosperity makes monsters.” The prosperity of the American bubble machine...the dot com bubble, the real estate bubble, multi-war bubble, made many men think they were financial wizards...such as the “financial genius” in the White House. We are rapidly learning about our immediate poverty.
From our founding until 1900, we had a constant 10% economic prosperity. With the income tax of 1913, we had the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. America was a country of freedom and opportunity, we had honest police, real freedom of speech. Today, you must have a permit or license for anything...“Big Brother” is watching everything you do, your home is no longer protected. If you ever wanted to know how a communist system is built, you are seeing it done with this American police state, totalitarianism.
As basic to America: FDR's 4 Freedoms, the freedom of the “curb market”...even the Amish are prohibited from selling raw milk. My mother helped send her four children through college selling raw milk, churned butter, and vegetables from the farmyard. Don't worry about a few germs from farm produce, the two ways to exterminate a population: radiation in food and fluoride in your drinking water. All the gold on the earth only amounts to a cube measuring 75 feet. That cube selling at $1500 an ounce, cannot buy you one more second of life when God says “enough” and your trip down the straight road has ended.
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