When I was in China, there were no newspapers, only large, enclosed bulletin boards with a glass door in which news copies had been placed. You can still see this same type arrangement in some buildings in this country. Standing outside in the street, you could read whatever the Chinese government wanted you to see, propaganda postings.
Simile could be used to describe recent developments pertaining to the catastrophe of the supposed Bin Laden assassination. If the crash of the stealth helicopter was an accident, then the entire venture was a disaster. Surely, the American people have enough sense to know that the most valuable “terrorist asset” known to mankind would have been taken out alive.
Surely, the American people have enough sense to know that the consistent inconsistencies in post-event stories from the White House would arouse curiosity all over the world. 40 minutes spent in the so-called compound, by the so-called SEAL team putting Bin Laden and all his effects into garbage bags to be transported away
Surely, the non-Muslim world would not want to incite the already-flaming Muslim demonstrations and protestations (Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc.) by the killing of their leader and the supposed “international funeral” on the deck of an American ship.
Surely, the world knows that the burial of a Muslim is of uppermost importance. It is only when far out at sea, if the body is rapidly decomposing, that a sea burial is permitted under the Muslim religion. Otherwise, (as was shown on international television with the death of King Hussein of Jordan) the Muslim body is placed directly into the earth with the head directed toward Mecca. Even with King Hussein of Jordan...married to an American wife, a recent patient in the Mayo clinic, national televised services, watched by millions...the box in which he was laying when the queen of Holland and other dignitaries viewed him was taken to the gravesite, the body was taken out and put directly into the ground. Even his wife was not allowed to witness any of this in person.
Surely, the American people must have enough sense to realize that Pakistan was well-aware of the supposed Bin Laden compound...almost on the doorsteps of a military installation.
Surely, the American people should be able to read between the lines with the propaganda of wives, pornography. The fact that a man dependent on dialysis did not have necessary equipment. A smart propagandist would have placed some in the compound. A smart propagandist would have had at least one of the 25 camera in each SEAL's helmet working. A smart propagandist could have made up a much better story than was told. It is amazing how quickly other stories (birth certificates, Libyan war, Gaddafi family killings) make the front page. At least they waited until the royal wedding was over, because a silly, dumbed-down, “Ripley's Believe It Or Not” public will try to swallow anything!
Do we realize that WWIII has already started? Russia has built 5000 new survival bunkers around Moscow. Trying to keep it quiet, America is busy building underground bunkers around Washington DC so that the elitists in government can survive. Those of us trying to stock survival provisions have learned that 176 million MRE's (meals, ready-to-eat) have already been stored by FEMA in such bunkers. When will the common folks learn that they are expendable?
47 million Americans live on food stamps, 1/3 of students never graduate from high school, the unemployment rate is nearing 20% (a McDonald's manager told me this morning that she has 60-80 people applying for a job at her restaurant everyday). The American dream, a home, most of which are underwater (owing more than the house is worth). 52% of all black babies are aborted, 50% of all Americans receive a subsidy of some type, more money is owed on student loans than owed on all credit cards...the man in charge of the world's money (IMF), Strauss-Kahn, spending $3000 of your tax dollars each night in a hotel room and then being arrested for trying to rape the poor, 32 year-old woman cleaning the room!
In Egypt, under Mubarak, the Coptic Christians survived. In Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, the Chaldean Christians survived. Today, with the protestors-demonstrators, Muslim Brotherhood, under Sharia law, Christians, considered blasphemers, are killed in the streets.
Mars Hill Bible Church founder and pastor, Rob Bell, tells us that God is too humane to send anyone to Hell...Hell is mentioned 27 times in the New Testament, 25 times by Jesus himself! Others such as Stone Kingdom Ministries (Asheville, NC) preach restoration, universalism, that God will not send anyone to Hell. What a risk! What a chance you are taking if you fall for this deception of the devil. Washington is deceptive. The synagogue of Satan, ruling the world, is deceptive. You had better get your mind straight!
The world, the flesh, the devil is dangerous thinking. I defy you to distinguish the difference in church people and the people of Satan...divorce rates, attitude towards abortion, the gay agenda. The tares are crowding out the good grain, but soon the builder of a great bunker will start the separation procedure.
On Christ, the solid rock I stand.
All other ground is sinking sand,
The Solid Rock - Hymn
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