We live in a world of compromise, buying and selling, political intrigue between nations, even trying to “reason” with God on our own. Ours is an arbitration-type existence, persuasion, “influence-peddling”, even with God.
13,000 years ago, from the very beginning, He set certain rules-laws-standards. IT IS NOT OURS TO QUESTION, BUT TO OBEY. God is not neutral, only asks trust, He is BOSS, not joking, not persuadable.
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:1,2) Romans 12, along with every other scripture-declaration in His book, is the principle by which He sought those for Himself... human beings chosen to live eternally with Him.
God is not joking. Every word in His book is important. “What manner of love that we should be called the children of God.” (1 John 3:1)
One lady in my church, one of the most committed, modest women I have ever known, when she died, was not taken to the funeral home. Her husband and children who loved her so much, knew her modesty, her privacy. The mortician embalmed her body for burial in the home with her daughter and sister present. Both in the Cameroons, and Uganda, Africa, I first encountered “strip searches” in airports. I will never forget the women boarding the plane, in shock, tears, their privacy having been totally violated by goons-pagans, having searched every orifice of their body. They were forced to submit in order to board the plane, these women would never let the plane leave without them, such a totally heathen country and the people in charge.
There has never been such a betrayal of the American people, the Christian psyche of privacy, as we now encounter at airports, and which is spreading to every area of American life. We are giving up all privacy in the guise of safety... babies, grandmothers, the sick and disabled, harassed, scanned, groped and abused in the excuse of safety. This writer, 8 round the world trips, (one trip, 48 flights) does not plan to ever board another airplane. The decent-Christian people of America should boycott all air transportation... bankrupt the airlines, until the “out of control” communist officials in Washington, change their policies.
Our forefathers, founders of this republic, then and now who wore the uniform of this country, would never believe that we could be so betrayed. It is the treason of indifference, the lackadaisical attitude of political-correctness, power-control in administration and congress, inciting youth in a direction of total non-confidence with government. Perhaps the greatest betrayal of productive-patriotic citizens, inequalities. Many of us have never known anything but hard work and hard times. From the time my ancestors landed in America, and to this present survivor-writer, we have worked hard in every way to make ourselves and our country a success.
It is not necessity but laziness that is the “mother of invention.” It is true that we have much laziness around us. I finally found a Mexican to paint some office buildings. Mario's cousin helped him. Mario said, ”He is so homesick, calls his family in Mexico every day.” My driver and I note a Mexican girl talking on her cell phone every morning when we go to McDonald’s for coffee. Last year 1.6 billion USD was spent to give the poor cell phones, and the government pays for their wireless phone calls. This is a hard pill for this blind veteran to swallow, a veteran who was never given a white cane by the government.
A television preacher said recently that once God has forgiven us our sins, past, present, future, we have no need to ask over and over for forgiveness. Since we continue to sin, have much to be thankful for, I believe God loves the interchange of His chosen with Him... asking for forgiveness, expressing thankfulness. In the prayer given his disciples, Jesus instructed “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” (Matthew 6)
“Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19) We know that God will care for His own, that He hates evil. But, I cannot help but believe that God wants us to bring, with prayer, His vengeance down on the evils in government, TSA, IRS, Federal Reserve, etc. We must believe that God will have His way with the purveyors, defenders, of abortion, homosexuality, despisers of privacy. This writer has few associates, relatives, family members, even pretenders, still in Christian churches, who support and defend liberal, democrat party beliefs who still like Him. That is alright , they have betrayed this veteran, his country, his Christianity. Betrayal is psychological stripping for an evil cause.
Many of us have known betrayal in divorce, many of us have know n betrayal in family disputes, particularly estate settlement. Most veterans have known betrayal by VA and Government. The last time this totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran of the Korean conflict, went to a veterans hospital, the doctor examining me said, “your records have been flagged, that you are a trouble maker, that you write letters to congresspeople.” Would you consider this betrayal? Would you consider my driver and myself finding two police officers leaving my house having broken in the back door and having searched my house, a betrayal? Such betrayal is nothing compared to our blessed Lord. Judas, saw HIM heal the sick, raise the dead, feed thousands with a small boy's lunch. God knows betrayal and is capable of handling such. The verse of scripture, in God's book, exactly mid way the Bible, [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalm 118:8)
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