The Grip of Knowledge
If you were to take into your body everything advertised, you would have a quick, certain death. I saw my first television when I was a freshman in college. I believed then, and I believe more strongly now, that if Satan wanted something to totally destroy the world, he would design a television set. Every form of human degradation, everything which causes neurological and physiological stress.
The battle of Waterloo was fought June, 1815. Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte against Britain’s Duke of Wellington. Although fought near Brussels in Belgium, not that far from Paris or London, several days went by before anyone knew the victor.
Not just political rulers, power brokers of the world, but church men are a dime a dozen... men of God are hard to find. Modern Christianity wants an easy formula believing that God is satisfied with certain actions. We see a frenzy over days of worship, everyday is a Sabbath, everyday is the Lord's day. (Psalm 118:24) 80% of all church study courses are made up of women. 58% of all church leaders are women. The Bible “hallows” men, particularly the old testament. I have never known a gay male refer to his father. Most men, have given up their role of leadership, family, church, even political and financial professions. What young man would go to today's male role model who knows much more about sports figures than God's elect? What young male, needing guidance would go to today's male adulterer, dirty mind, inflicted with addictions to illegal drugs and pornography? We need men of faith, and it will only be men of faith who will enjoy eternity with God. The poet Gilbert Holland asked, “God give us men”! I have used this poem so many times and I advise you to read it over and over again. Can we understand the effeminate twist of the past 50 years, military service, the professions, every advertisement? This blind man does not see the television screen , the movie screen, but I understand almost every program-advertisement, has at least one very obvious gay. There was a time when gay men worked in beauty shops, designed women's clothing, and worked as nurses, but now unashamedly, “out of the closet”, prance around the hospital, school house, courthouse, church house, gymnasium. The time has come, even in the civic club, even in the sports arena, when you must use care in your conversation about sex. Both political parties spend much time and money courting perversion. God has an awakening for those who promote, not only the killing of the unborn, but the genetic confusion of same sex marriage and mockery involving sexuality from the classroom to the pulpit.
There is nothing whatsoever in God's word, the one perfect guide which leads anyone to believe that God will honor perversion. Everything, from the microbiology of microscopic life to the largest animals known, tells us that like Jesus, the bridegroom, the world so magnificently designed by God, designed for procreation. Like extraterrestrials, if there were other life, sexuality, than such found on Earth in the Universe, he would have informed us.
In my lifetime, the retreat of maleness is no longer, “Father Knows Best”, Mother and often even children, run things. It is beyond my comprehension that any father, loving a daughter, would allow her to leave his home with just anyone who might drive up in a “peice of a car” simply because he is so cute and popular. One of the saddest funerals I have ever attended, loving parents following an casket to an open grave, their only daughter killed in a car wreck, with a young man not worthy of being close to her. Why did not the father investigate this young man who, too, was killed before he allowed his daughter to become friendly with such? From the time your daughter is able to understand anything, (it should be the mother's responsibility) family class-pride-decency should be taught.
God did not waste one word in His book, every word is there for a reason. Our blessed Lord said, “a house divided will not stand.” (Luke 11:17, Mark 3:25). There is nothing more pathetic than a double minded person, the wold is filled with such, political and spiritual. We know the results of a heart divided against itself....someone trying to hold onto the world AND our Lord. Perhaps more pitiful, the American home where father and mother cannot agree concerning the rearing of children. My mother was firm, knew right from wrong, but my father had the last word. You can be sure that just any male would not take his precious daughter away from the house.
Just yesterday, April 29,2012, seven in a family were killed in a tragic automobile wreck near the Bronx Zoo in New York. As tragic as this calamity, three children killed, the first words out of the newscaster's mouth were, “no zoo animals were injured.” In this new age of abortion, same sex marriage, young males and females just “hooking up”, please God, when will the fathers of America take over the home and the nation?
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