Traveling the world, this writer has walked and seen the great wall of China, seen the wall between North and South Korea, walled cities of the world, such as ancient Jericho and the most beautiful city of the world, Dubrovnic. I went through Check Point Charlie, the wall separating East and West Germany twice. Communist controlled east Berlin was the most bleak, poverty-ridden city one can imagine, right across the wall from the prosperity of West Berlin, West Germany.
In a small antique store, East Berlin, I purchased a most remarkable spaghetti platter... still hanging on the wall in my house. The owner wanted to talk, told of the holocaust of communist existence... controls, lack of heat, perishing children.
Last week, Wilmington, NC, annual Azalea Festival, I was awakened by the fireworks-explosions, along the river. My house is near the river, the explosions shook my house. The though Then, as always, as I laid in my bed, “what possible thrill can normal human beings get from such entertainment?” And, I'm sure all were not heathen-incorrigible. Can one even imagine the horror story, people with no desire for war, the sanctity of their home, bombardments from the sky, (planes flown by men as well as drones) who are in no way responsible for the evil connived by men of political power, living in safety, far away. It has always been the poor, the powerless, who have paid the price of warfare. Always, without fail, the son's and daughter's of the disenfranchised, those from homes of poverty enslaved into military uniform, to fight battles, concocted by those of greed, who will not get their hands dirty by war. The son's and daughter's of the wealthy never go to war, their mother's never follow their flag-draped casket, learn unconcern in a VA facility.
There are 1186 VA hospitals near capacity, nearly 1 million are on a waiting list for VA services, a staggering backlog. There are 48 million veterans, still alive, needing VA services. All WWI veterans have died and most WWII veterans have died. This veteran of the Korean Era, knows the ineptness of the system... a totally blind, 100% disabled veteran.... never even able to get a white cane. Oh, like everything else in government, there are well paid bureaucrats, (all not necessarily in a communist government) even in capitalist America, taking care of themselves. From the top to the bottom (the Obama's vacations, the GSA Las Vegas parties, the secret service parties) from the white house, to the courthouse in your county, government officials know how to take care of number one.
After 10 years of this present Middle East war, many have become war weary. It may be just beginning, secretary Panetta who said, "Unfortunately these days, there's a hell of a lot that keeps me awake. But that's one that tops the list," he added, in reference to North Korea. There are 30 conflicts in which the United States is involved, going on in the world today. Just think of the bedlam in Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, as well as the very hot wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran can be added to the list any day. “Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from [these things] that shall come upon thee.” ( Isaiah 47:13) The weary, the astrologers, have no concept of war. At the immigration border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, (it is unlawful to take pictures at a border) a very small camera in MY hand, I made pictures of immigrants, carrying their belongings in bags over their shoulders, children in rags, barefoot, standing on ice. We have a volunteer army, young men and women from loving homes, never before exposed to such human decadence, desecration starts at the top. They are aware of the phony baloney, Obama and his ilk. None of it makes sense, not to this old warrior. A Sgt. leaving his post twice to kill and burn bodies, urinating on the dead, holding up dead body parts... the treason of publishing such pictures. We have a dysfunctional military, financially corrupt world. Populations that do not understand how RADIATION changes cell structure, like the air you breathe, you cannot see it. Such could happen in America at any minute.
Faith begins with the premise that God spoke one word and nothing became everything, nothingness to somethingness. The same power of that word is available to us, the chosen, elected, predestined to love the world He made. Regeneration of God in you, the Holy Spirit, righteousness of Christ in you, changes you, whether at war or peace. We know the record, even how Satan dealt with Jesus... hunger, pride, power. Satan always misquotes scripture, pitiful, puny, pastors, politicians, war profiteers, will promote such human plunder with scripture. We do not have the option to change anything, but God does. I still want to meet the preacher who can give me a pill, lay on me his hands, and tell me that I no longer must fight the good fight of faith. Many are called but few are chosen. When the chosen tire enough of war, human degradation, things will change. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
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