With every year of your life, you learn to accept God's ways not man's ways. Exactly 100 years ago today, a ship which the builder said God could not sink, the Titanic, went down in the icy waters of the north Atlantic. The ship hit an iceberg about the size of the Empire State Building, the captain so anxious to set a crossing record. 1500 souls went down to the bottom of the ocean with the ship. On July 28, 1945, a plane hit the Empire State Building in New York at 9:40 in the morning. On September 11, 2005 a plane hit the World Trade Center at 8:40 in the morning. Every day, somewhere, people die, about 250,000 each day but, God, in His infinite mercy, gives birth to 300,000 each and every day.
Don't try, you will never understand human nature. Every week I wash my car, knowing that it will get dirty again, and so it is with most, laundering our clothing, our bodies, knowing that it must be done again and again. Yet, sick people go to a doctor's office for help or to a hospital for help. Note that in these facilities there are always old magazines which sick people have turned the pages, often moistening their fingers from their sick mouths... magazines full of germs, waiting room chairs with arm rests full of germs.
I get ill when I go to a home where there is a toddler crawling around on the floor, most of the time, wall to wall carpet, harboring every germ one can imagine, straight from the street off soles of shoes. I get more ill in a restaurant where someone handling food also handles money at the cash register. Paper money is the dirtiest item known to man.
We become increasingly alarmed at the totalitarian controls placed on us by government. Five years ago it was a matter of water in the toilet, last year, a matter of strange light bulbs, this year, limitations on building permits. Some places, prohibiting single family homes... they take up too much space. Next will be programmable robots, such as used in industry in many countries and the health services in England. Get used to it, we have brought many of these things on ourselves. At a time when healthcare determines the spending of most dollars, (75% of all food intake from lack of nutrition) we could eat so much less if there were nutrition in the food, if there were less bacteria in our existence, if there were less sugar in everything we eat... sucrose, the excellent medium for growing every disease, including cancer.
Books could be written on healthy living and the common sense of individual and government controls pertaining to money spent in every area of life.
The secular antagonists of the world would have you believe that heaven and spiritual values are just figments of the imagination. For those of us who know without any doubt that we are a chosen, elected people, to serve a Sovereign God, we do not mind being called a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation. (1 Peter 2) We know that we serve a God of healing, (1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53) a God of peace, power, prosperity, who loves you whether you want Him to or not. He is also patient, waiting for you unbelievers to come to your senses.
The student of science, such as this writer, bewildered and besmirched by teachers and professors attempting to accommodate their religious and scientific beliefs, the BioLogos group... people attempting to reconcile God's Word with scientific principles.
We know that psychotropic drugs are a real problem, not only to the 47% of Americans who take them, but the military. Like vaccines, which we know for a fact are bringing on increased autism in children, pediatric cancer. Vaccines and drugs are bringing on increased chemical dependency in the military services. Did we have illegal drug problems on the streets until the legal drugs started in the schools? Naturally, children zapped with drugs are easier to control. Now you understand why Christian families who love their children go to the additional expense of home schooling or private Christian schooling. A frenzied-liberal taxing government, made up of bureaucrats, void of moral credentials, will continue to arrest “druggies” on the streets, continue expense of treatment and welfare care, get used to it. Perhaps, one day, you will vote for politicians-citizens with character.
This writer has traveled the world, seen the tragedy of the people of the world AND, God knows all about it. With the diversity of people, the most innocent suffer. Personally, I have never known an elected politician who was not in the business of government except to serve himself... he loves the power, prestige, profiteering. And again, my experience, I hope there are exceptions, but if a politician's mouth is moving, he is lying. The liberals finally hit the jackpot, won the big lottery, impossible to find any better than the one they have put in the White House. Without firing a shot, Satan rules, Satan thinks he has won.
There is a certain genius in Catholicism, confessing. It would be good if every person could GET USED TO confessing to one another, our actions, thoughts. We should never forget that whether we confess to one another or not, if we have a few brain cells still functioning, God knows all, is still in control. He is in control of the natural elements. Nuclear fission is elementary to Him, a Tsunami is just a whisper, earthquakes-tornadoes-floods, a fairy tale. And yet, the very hairs on your head are numbered. (Matthew 10:30) He hears the prayer of a small child, knows the name, exact DNA, of the aborted baby. To those of you who think you are so smart, so bright, beyond the reach of God. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.” (1 Corinthians 3:19) All the Creator of the world and everything in it ever asked, is trust. He knows who you are, where you are, Get Used to It.
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