Many years ago I was a member of thew local YMCA. A young, tall black man was changing the tubes in the fluorescent lighting. I was told that he played basketball at the local High School and his name was Michael Jordan.
Everyone knows the story, Michael Jordan, reared in Wilmington, star basketball UNC-CH and on to the NBA, where five time MVP, considered the world’s greatest basketball player and the world's highest paid and best known athlete .
One sportswriter asked him the reason for his success. He immediately expressed his many failures, the many shots he had missed. Every sportswriter knew that he never stopped practicing, practiced before every game, always turning failures into successes.
Today's youth have been raised on action figures, their heroes, superman, spider-bat-iron man variety. It has always been so, Greek mythological characters such as Zeus, Thor, Prometheus. It is international news when a “bigger than life” athlete succumbs to the world, flesh, or devil, such as with Tiger Woods, Barry Bonds, Michael Phelps, etc. So easy to confuse celebrity with accomplishment, the rewards of popularity, big bucks, so enticing. In every area of endeavor, truth compromised with evil, the greatest sin.
In other articles, this writer has described in detail, almost accidentally, the truth about the downing of KAL 007 by the Russians in 1983.
For many years I owned an apartment near the UN in NYC. I met a member of the Russian delegation who learned I had crossed the Gobi desert, and under a blanket, hidden from prying eyes, had made photographs of Russian missile launchers aimed at China. To get the photographs, he told me about the members of the airliner who were slave prisoners at a prison camp around Bada Bastar including an American congressman.
The South Korean consulate was across the street from my apartment (Beekman Place)... often , in the afternoon, I would walk across the enclosed bridge, FDR highway, and sit in a park along the East River. Members of the South Korean consulate would eat their lunch there, like me, enjoying the sun. I had met one of the officials, discussed my conversations with the Russian with him. Should I go to the FBI? He said, “You would be wasting your time, they are not about to start a third world war.”
Adding intrigue to this one Trans Siberian trip, in Luan Bateur, outer Mongolia, at a concert, I had met two European female scientists, traveling by train to China.
These two women picked my brain about brain morphology, a lobotomy, etc. I got the idea they were experimenting with brain cytology, as with Chinese-Korean MK-ULTRA scientific experimentation with intelligence. When I had sight, I had studied extensively about such investigations, particularly, subliminal perception. (stimuli presented below the threshold of awareness, tv movies) I had been sufficiently criticized for my writings on this subject as well as my warnings about chemicals (chloride, fluoride) added to drinking water. Surely , anyone without any scientific background can realize that minds have been affected by “something”. In the authoritarian, totalitarian, ambitions of our captors, can anyone deny the “dumbing-down” of the world's children, particularly, in the more affluent countries. With technology and affluence, a price is paid. In my lifetime, wall to wall carpeting... even in school rooms, harboring of every type microbiology.
With Prometheus, tied to a rock, the eagle eating away at his liver, a victim. This very day, scientists in Europe, perfecting respiratory viruses capable of brain function changes, changing a fanatic into a normal person. So simple, a matter of human anatomy. Satanic forces have learned that it is much simpler to change the person, than the circumstance, to control guns, attitudes towards climate and Christianity by changing the brain. All mental attitudes in congruent with satanic Marxism, considered an illness. We are being prepared, almost daily, in our reaction, a small Westboro Baptist congregation, guns in schools and colleges, political distrust, racism. We learn to train human beings as we learn to train dogs... manipulation. The Marxist educator talks of compartmentalization of intelligence... compartmentalization of religious beliefs, educational systems, even person-hood. (abortion)
In the story of the Gadarenes, Legion, probably 5' 9” tall, 180 pounds, “crazy in the graveyard”, possessed with 2000 demons, which our blessed Lord drove out of him. The time has come to recognize the infestation of demons around us. SO SIMPLE, creator, God who made us, omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (always with us), totally competent to care for His chosen. “Thy loving kindness is better than life.” (Psalm 63:3)
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