Change my heart oh God,
Make it ever true.
Change my heart oh God,
May I be like You.
You are the potter,
I am the clay,
Mold me and make me,
This is what I pray.
If you live long enough, you will be faced with questions from someone and you will search for an answer.
One young man challenged with every conceivable road block to successful living, said to me, “I did not ask to be born.”
The only answer I know, you are here and life is a complex adventure-challenge in an otherwise peaceful non-existence.
When the Creator of the universe, the Creator of all life, chose you, it was a blessing, usually camouflaged. Only God knows your potential. (He knows the ending from the beginning) Unlike live plants, lower animals, you are a very special creation, made in the image of God. The name Adam means man, and when God created Adam, he breathed into man the genetics needed to mystically perform physically and spiritually.
From an early age of training as a person, one must realize the Sovereignty of God. We did not choose our skin color, gender, innate or other abilities and potentials. God loves variety, “the spice of life”, and it is amazing what a life captured and captivated by God, regardless of physical appearance, warts of disability, cracks of individuality, can accomplish. The potter is responsible for the final product, the pottery does not determine anything.
Because of your ancestors, rebellion in the Garden of Eden, all human beings are born with a carnal nature. This is the free will which God gives us. Our earliest ancestors, before the great flood, Noah's day-5000 BC, even though born with a conscience, became so evil that God destroyed them all with water, except for one family. Noah's great grandson, Nimrod, and his cousins, with memories of the flood, decided to escape such by building a tower to heaven. God stopped this with the language barrier and spreading them. He called one man at the age of 100, to travel with his wife, 600 miles north, and start a new chosen nation of people to serve Him. In a series of laws, the first not at Sinai, the Jewish nation became God's “pets”. This nation, through slavery and otherwise, had to be trained. The Bible is the historical account of this people and how they came in contact with Gentiles, the other civilizations of the world. None of it was easy.
Born to this nation, God's only son, sent to die for the sins of all people, God showing His hatred for sin. The Bible gives the penalty for sin and the redemption, through Jesus Christ, God's son, eternal salvation. We have salvation by faith in the grace of God. Faith is about 90% courage. So, anyone given life must have the courage to live life, with all it's trials. We are told that if we are chosen, endure to the end, we will be saved and have eternal life. This is the challenge of life, and even though there are some who end their own life, most want to meet the challenge and enjoy life. God wants us to have an abundant life, (John 10:10) not abandoned life. When Jesus is our life, we are the light and salt of the world. Others, too many, live under a “specter” of camouflage. The “all seeing” eyes of God know His own, and although there are many tests, He cares for His own. (Psalm 37:25, often referred to as the relationship between a shepherd and his sheep, John 10:27)
For those who never lived, for those whose life was snuffed out in the mother's womb by the murdering abortionists, for those who died early in life before knowing the love of family-friends, and knew the challenges of living, this is God's business, and He will handle it. For us, survivors, winners of life's lottery, “we live, move, and have our being.” (Acts 17:28)
This writer, these last days, is concerned with God's chosen making preparations for survival with God's spirit within us, His Sovereign hand to guide us, we need to prepare for survival in these uncertain times... preparation with healthcare. (medicine needs, prescriptions, supplements, food storage, water storage) The world will “cry wolf,” hide under a camouflage of indifference, but God's children should prepare for life's physical needs to our natural end as we have already prepared spiritually. On several trips in Africa, African bush, animals with natural camouflage, you could barely distinguish them from their environment, they blended in. God wants His own to stand out, represent Him, in person, in purpose, and in preparation.
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