Any organization of people is an organicism, structured or unstructured. Any night club, any redneck bar, any fraternal group is usually made up of people attracted to one another by their own interests. This writer calls those who are "regulars" at the local pub or watering hole, a new form of tribalism. There is a psychological attraction existing between them which even they could not explain. Why does one join the local moose lodge, the rotary club, the country club? There is not usually a familial or cultural reason for the attraction of those in these groups. There is a need of some sort, and it might come with a price of induction. A membership for the world's most expensive country club, The Yellowstone Club, is said to cost a minimum of $250,000 to join, plus the cost of a $5 million to $35 million mountainside home, plus annual dues of about $20,000. The Bohemian Club in California to which most politicians and power brokers of this country belong, costs 25,000 to join and 5,000 every year after that.
For the elitist of America, it starts in college with fraternities, such as Skull and Bones (initiation fee of 15,000) and other Greek letter fraternities, sororities, etc. A brotherhood and sisterhood which transcends our intellectual capacity to understand how and why certain human individuals put themselves on a separated plain from the rest of us. All these groups are structured, following rules of conduct, practices, organicism of body politic procedures.
The world's oldest fraternal organicism, The Masons, feel they are a special force for good. (Children's hospitals, etc.) The Rotarians actually believe that "service is above self." The U.S government requires that you, as a citizen, obey laws and pay a certain amount of your income for membership in the Democratic Republic way of life. We stand on the shoulders of our nation's patriots, recognizing the good done by fraternal and social clubs, but, no matter how much you have given in treasure, time, or talent to these man made organicisms, there is not one of these powerful groups to which you have paid so much money, that can save one freckle on your face. Far beyond the realm of the practical, conjoviality, even congenital, pleasures and pluses of earthly memberships, none rise to the scrutiny of spiritual quest. As Thomas Aquanis said, man searches to fill the hole in the human heart. Buddha preached his experience, Muhammad preached a vision, the Christian has reached a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. This Christian is the stranger and pilgrim in this world, his citizenship is in Heaven (Phippians 3:20). The Christian knows that 1/10 of treasure belongs to God, whether he gives it or not. He knows that 1/7 of his time belongs to God whether he gives it or not.
The questioned is asked, "Why can't a rich man enter Heaven?" It is easy for a rich man to join The Yellowstone Country Club. "And again I say unto you, It's easier for a camel to go through the eye a needle than a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God"(Matt 19:24). Even Jesus spoke lovingly of the widow who gave her mite. (Mark 12:44) She gave for her need, not her abundance. The children of Israel obeyed giving in the wilderness, where God kept them for 40 years to humble them. They must have been lined up all day, outside the tabernacle, giving the choice-unblemished of their flock. They forgot giving in the promise land of milk and honey.
The tithe is more than 10% it is easier for a poverty stricken poor person to give the tithe. The real test comes with the rich, I mean the real rich. There are thousands of millionaires and billionaires in America. The tithe of a million dollars is a lot of money, particularly going into the store house. A diamond must have all the distinguishing marks. God wants the heart of the cheerful giver. I believe God wants the good sense of the cheerful giver. I believe God expects the cheerful giver to be careful where he gives God's money. It may not be Bible, it is between me and God, but I have made it a practice not to give to any place where the organicism powerbrokers live better than I do. God knows my frugality in what I eat, wear, and my habits. Simply because a pastor must put on a big front for his congregation, the head of the denomination must put on a big front for fellow denominations, the President of the United States lives like a potentate, does not mean I should give and pay to satisfy their excesses. I serve a resurrected savior to whom I am responsible for what is left for me to use, as well as what I give to Him and what I am forced to pay to my country. Almighty God has saved my soul, everything I have or ever hope to have, belongs to him.