Joseph Stalin, a very wicked man in every respect, probably told the truth when he said, “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, running against the American installed President Karzai of Afghanistan, probably realized he was fighting a losing battle against the liars, wanna be boors, both in Afghanistan and America whose Opium War with all the intrigue of all the Chinese dynastic Qing opium merchant trade promoted by the British Empire, now refereed by Karzai's brother with the help of the CIA, is a democrat party-type charade worthy of an Academy Award Oscar.
The paradox of the ages, America trains her enemies. In Somalia, President Mohamed Farrah Aidid turned his country into a cauldron of savagery while his son, Hussein Mohamed Farrah Aidid was a college student in California. The son is now the ruler of the totally wrecked country. Over and over, the sons of third world country tyrants come to the US for education supposedly to learn the American way of progress in a democratic society just to return home more the barbarian than their ancestors.
The worst smell in the world is the smell of a decomposing dead animal, corruption. It is obvious that voters love the smell of corruption. Last week, the citizens of NC were subjected to the same “good ol' boy” politics which have afflicted the old north state my entire lifetime. “There is no honor among thieves.” The ex-governor Easley and his chief political supporters tried to out-lie and out-boor one another before the state elections committee. We have known in this state, all of my lifetime that a check to the democrat party (At one time the price was $20,000, now it is up to $50,000.) would buy you a seat on any state board such as Department of Transportation or trustee on a university board. When I was young, it was necessary to vote the democrat ticket just to be a state employee of, DOT, school teacher, state hospital system.
Now, for the well-healed democrat elitest the big check can buy prominence. I remember the political signs of Ralph McDonald, Willis Smith, J. Melville Broughton, William Umstead, Luther Hodges. It was a curiosity that these men would spin the big bucks; but then it became obvious when a republican Holshauser or Martin were accidentally elected that money flows from the democrat cisterns in Raleigh to Obama-type organizers down every pig path. This is the way you get in power and stay in power unless, now and then a republican squeezes in, such as Helms and East.
There was a time, with Dr. Black, at least the money was exchanged in the mens' toilet. With the Scotts and Umstead, it was a matter of brown paper bags. Now, the checks are written with an “understanding” they would go in the right pocket.
Republicans will never win in this state or elsewhere until they learn that you cannot take Dale Carnegie's book How To Win Friends and Influence People, to a gun fight. The democrats are always out for blood, not at all fascinated by psychological warfare. When “cousin Wayland Spruill” walked into the legislature as if calling hogs to the trough (souy, souy, souy) he had the buckets of money. He knew how to feed the dollars to the democrats who knew how to pay for votes. When this totally blind, 100% disabled veteran in dress uniform, stood beside a prominent citizen in the Jaycees, the senator from Columbia in Tirrell County knew how to ask for money in order to get legislation moving.
During the 2008 election the parking lot stayed full of cars night and day at the Obama headquarters. They were serious about winning the election. In this town, where several “RINOs” have been elected, each time a real republican runs I send a message to come by my house for a check. Twice, recently, after giving the candidate a check, my advice and encouragement, I ask my assistant to see the person to the door. Each time, I ask my assistant, “Did the candidate ask you to vote for him?” The answer is always the same. The novice candidate does not realize that he must ask everyone for a vote.
I get so tired of hearing democrats talk about rich republicans. Every vote, every time, the democrats raise most of the money. Surely, there is enough republican money somewhere to conduct training sessions for republican candidates and campaign workers so that with the message of conservatism which most voters “know in the heart” is right. We can win elections for God, family and country.
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