Jay Leno, as a part of his famous television program, presented a walking all-stars segment in which he asked people on the street questions about politics, government or life in general. It was amazing the answers he received. During the last National election, this type of programming was used to establish the fact that very few voters knew anything about candidates or issues. I never cease to be amazed at how few people know about these things. As one of the regular members of my baptist church said one time, “I don't understand why one of our fine Southern Baptist preachers has not been selected for Pope”. This is just one of the “sink holes” afflicting our democracy...a dumbing down of the public through the “brainwashing” of “idol worship”...that monster in your living room called the television set.
A few days ago on a busy street in this town my driver said, “A large sink hole just opened in the street”. Of course, almost immediately a car was partially engulfed and on the news was the almost routine announcement of another sink hole. On the main super highway artery here, that goes from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, just finished in the past twenty years, this is a constant problem. It is strange to me that with today's technology, these sink holes cannot be determined when the highway construction is going on. Earlier roads in this country were not so affected. “Sink holes” are well known in North and South Carolina because of the thin crust underneath the topsoil. As Mary Poppins said about the pie crust, “easily made, easily broken”. The Castle Hayne aquifer and the many large sumps, particularly in the swamp areas, hardly noticed before the time of airplanes and like the Carolina Bay lakes (White Lake, Jones Lake, etc.) often are as much as 7 miles in diameter. We don't know how they were formed, speculation, meteors, but, like the sink holes they must be dealt with almost on a daily basis. However, they do make nice oval clear water lakes. Most are so caustic that fish have trouble surviving. In some parts of the world, sink holes are so large, buildings have been engulfed, automobiles lost.
Think of the “sink holes” affecting your life, the “sink hole” of national debt. Trillions of dollars, which it is impossible to repay. With retirement benefits for military and government employees, social security, we are now $50 trillion dollars in debt. If one of my ancestors, from the time he first put his foot on American soil in 1620, had been give $1 million dollars a second his entire life, each of descendents from then until now, every second for their entire life, even today, my family with all these millions given every second through many generations, would not be able to pay the national debt. Much of your taxes are just interest paid on the debt. Since Obama took over, the national debt has increased over one trillion. There has been $750 billion in bail outs, which we were assured would bring more employment but unemployment has increased by 2.7 million. Around 600,000 new jobs, all in government. Interest rates are down to zero for those of you depending on living off your savings, Lehman Brothers owes $2.4 billion, which they can never repay. CIT filed for bankruptcy this week, one of the five largest bankruptcies in history, the company owes $10 billion more than it is worth.
In the beginning of the American experiment, American bank notes were used. Now, Federal bank notes are used, made up of thin air, no backing of any kind except the ability of the treasury to tax the American people and following the ten rules of Marxism. The Federal Reserve, not Federal and no reserves, are just putting American citizens into further slavery...an inescapable “sink hole”.
Since Obama, the government has approached every conglomerate, automobile, financial services, bank, insurance company, all with wheelbarrows full of money. Of course, no one is going to turn down free money. Like the people who bought houses they could not afford with mortgages they could not pay and now the same people are offered $8,000 to buy another house. Like the people who could not afford their cars but then were offered money for their clunkers which they still cannot afford, all are in “sink holes”.
In the health care debate, which takes up 1/7th of the entire American economy, the word “alternative” care has never been mentioned, nor has any provision for supplements, which usually are more effective for the health of the human body than toxic chemicals. Just one company in the pharmaceutical industry spends $400 million on advertising attempting to excite both doctors and patients about certain drugs. The drug business, whether legal or illegal, is a “sink hole” which closely resembles a grave.
A “sink hole” of which most people are not aware: Every time you use your search engine and google up any type of information, it is all recorded in a giant database. The perverts or sex offenders find this out at trial when information is presented about the number of times they have watched porno. The government knows more about your online activity than you do. The government knows more about your business than you do. With the enforced digital information on your television, the infrared equipment to inspect your house, every other infringement on your privacy, you have provided the matches, with your votes for representation in Washington, that has exploded a “sink hole” from which few, if any, will escape. A chip has been put in your television with that sticky label saying that if you take it off to investigate the chip, the warranty is no longer any good.
I'm often asked why a high school girl in Richmond, California is raped for 2.5 hours by 10 men while 20 other are onlookers, why one house in Cleveland, Ohio contained the bodies of 11 raped and decomposing black women, why a Muslim Army psychiatrist can shoot 13 of his fellow soldiers and wound over 30 others without anyone at a medical facility recognizing his obvious mental problem. Where were the parents of these men during their lives? A school child cannot draw a gun on a piece of paper but a field grade medical Army officer can walk into a facility dressed in Muslim burial robes and attempt to kill other soldiers. Don't tell me, that someone had not discovered his Mohammed addiction and his hatred for the government which he was paid to defend. We have been so casual in our effort to be politically correct that we have overlooked the “sink holes” of Muslim terrorist cells operating across the country.
The “sink hole” of addiction, sex, drugs, alcohol and even the love of money, is one of the most difficult to disentangle yourself and crawl out of the hole. Just saying “no” is often not enough. Until one looks up at this serpent on the rod, as Moses lifted up the serpent for healing in the desert, chances of your redemption from the slavery of addiction are very remote. The sinking sand in the “sink hole” of addiction, whether chemical or one of your senses (pornography, alcohol, tickling ears, sexual perversion) will lead you from your hell on Earth to an eternal hell.
The greatest “sink hole” in the world is being mired up with unbelievers (in church as well as outside of church) when, as a believer, you know you should free yourself, climb out and be the creation the Creator intended for your life. The world, the flesh and the devil will keep you mired in the “sink hole” of sin's ruin without the redemption of Christ. Wake up and live! You are a vertical, as well, as a horizontal creature. The train only goes around the track one time. Free yourself from the “sink holes”, get aboard, and live in the liberty God has provided for you.
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