A local advertisement from a veterinary hospital states that pets should have purified water, water that has been circulated through a purifier so there are no chemicals or anything debilitating to the furry creatures. According to Wikipedia in 2006 Americans spent $39 billion on pet food. I know dog and cat owners, right here in this town, who spend more money on pet care than I spend on my own personal care. When I see these figures, I think of the children I have seen in third world countries whose mother goes to a “mud hole” or river bank each day for a jug of water which is used for drinking, cooking...everything. In third world countries, children's bellies are distended because of hunger.
In America, 50% of children survive on food stamps. In fact, right here in this town, most children drink polluted water and have the sparsest of diets. The great seedsmen, Luther Burbank said, “If plants were treated like children in America, the country would be grown up with weeds and trees”. There was a time when a man's family came first, housing, food, clothing. The Marxist knew exactly what they were doing when Americans became totally addicted to the television. Uncle Miltie with a dress on, Ed Sullivan, Bishop Fulton Sheen, I Love Lucy. Decent shows, screens to which several generations have become addicted to the extent that children think this is the way they should spend their time. With the onset of indecency, and the control of news, Americans have lost all concept of reality.
We have seen the evolution of wall to wall coverage of athletic events. We think it perfectly normal to pay $200 to $5,000 for a seat to athletic events plus $12 for a soft drink. Whooping and howling as millionaires run up and down the courts or the field. These same millionaire athletes, living a lifestyle of decadence outside the arena, one does not bat an eye when the girlfriend kills one, a man with a family at his home.
How did our ancestors survive before so many inoculations? Just a few weeks after birth, the inoculations start. There is no way a vaccination can be effective until a child is two years of age anymore than a vaccination is effective on an old person. Our grandmothers knew how to treat most minor health problems...sniffles, headaches, etc. Doctor's offices, which at one time were small at best, now have waiting rooms like large auditoriums. I go to one doctor who is in practice with 62 other doctors. The place is run like a well-greased machine. I would rather have the money that goes into that practice each day than a license to steal. Most of the patients are old people, on Medicare or Medicaid. What better way for an old person to spend a day, when the care is free? Just wait until the new socialized health care programs get in full gear. Instead of a Muslim army medical officer shooting his fellow soldiers, there will be many shootings in health facilities and hospitals.
In my lifetime, it was just a matter of life insurance, then there was burial insurance. Particularly the black people always had that 25 cents a week in the envelop on the front porch for the collector of burial insurance. The first citizens to know about hospital insurance were the organized workers, unions, teachers, government workers. Then came automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, pet, even jewelry insurance. Now you insure everything. You tell God that He can just go on vacation, you don't need him for His input in “protective care”.
There has been a total take-over of life activity through government controls. I know of very few things you can do at all anymore without a permit or license. You need a license for any type work. A permit to do anything around your house. An inspector, looking at one of my buildings where a past owner had run a short electric outlet said, “You must pay for a permit and get my permission to do anything in your building more than using a 6' extension cord”. It's all a matter of money, more money in the coffers for the bureaucrats to waste. California has just increased its withholding tax 10%. Elected officials actually consider the money in the tax budget as their own spending money.
In most of these government programs, once the camel gets his nose under the tent, once the news media is willing to push the greed, your life is under their control.
Houses, cars, clothing, will all last a long time. It is this constant bombardment by advertisers that keeps people dissatisfied with what they have, always willing to spend for something new and with the taxation and controls of government, prosperity becomes a peril. If you did not buy, the tax would not be collected. These are the rules to live and die by:
Don't buy.
Refuse to comply.
Ask why.
Occupy, until Jesus comes (Luke 19:13).
Do your shopping at the farmer's market and as much buying as possible at yard sales and swap shops. You can buy anything you want online, it is only by cutting off the flow of money through taxes to undisciplined politicians that they may awaken. It is time for corrupt politicians, Obama-nation, to learn that most of us will not be their enablers anymore.
In Old Testament law, there was over 200 sacrifices, religious people trying to cleanse their souls from unbelief. There is only one sacrifice for sin and it has already been made. When the unsaved, political leaders or otherwise, understand sins ruin and Christ's redemption, they will also understand the perils involved in the prosperity of the wicked.
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