About 50 years ago, I attended a large Christian conference in the city of Atlanta, Ga. Among the many speakers, including this writer, was the president of a large candy manufacturing company. He said, “I recently sent my wristwatch back to the manufacturer and in the place of the word “Hamilton” I had inscribed, “The Night Commeth” (John 9:4). Reared on a farm, and growing up, I never knew anything but hard work and, many times, we worked even after dark.
It is very difficult to find anyone, anymore, who finds honor in work. Everyone wants a job, wants a paycheck, but very few want to work. This very morning, I let a woman go from my employ, a University graduate who never came to work one day on time. Her attitude, her insolence, her inability to grasp the job was evident for many weeks and I should have let her go long before I did. These people never think that their attitude towards God and their fellow man is as afflicting as a crippling disability.
It would give everyone new outlook on life to write their own obituary. Just what have you done with the life which you were given? Has your being on Earth made anyone better? The NBA basketball star makes $100,000 a game, millions of dollars a year. At least, for all this money paid him for his sport, and it is just a game, he did bring pleasure to people who enjoy watching his sport.
All over the world, but particularly in Europe, I have visited some of the great cathedrals of the world. The great domes, the great naves, the architectural features which claim your attention and admiration. Great stained glass windows (rose window, Notre Dame, Paris), the carefully carved wood work, the Romanesque stone structure resisting the weather of time, all these features giving a superior stability worthy of the God which they were built to honor.
God's real temple is the body of his most precious creation, made in his image, the human being. No matter how great the building, if it is uncared for, if it is not correctly maintained, if it has only those inside who are pretending to worship, who are not serious about God's building and God's work, who are not in a real relationship with the power it was built to honor, then the building is for nothing. If the human being does not honor the temple enough to protect and give the very best of mind, soul and spirit ability then your body is a waste.
It is a sacrilege not to honor a cathedral of worship, one designed and built by artisans willing to work. It is a greater sacrilege to abuse your body by not accepting the responsibility God has instilled in us to honor him with our care and our productive efforts. We are better than barbarians. King Solomon, the world's wisest man, and until now, the world's wealthiest man, had much to say about work.
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit
and scarcity like an armed man. (Proverbs 6:6-11)
God went to the smallest, lowest animal life to show us industriousness, work, conservation, preparing for the future. Once on my front porch, of course I am blind and could not see what they were talking about, two young men were discussing an ant which was going across the porch carrying a stick much larger than the ant himself. The ant and what he was doing was brought to our attention, his industriousness, his workaholic attitude, his preparations for something, his doing the impossible (carrying something larger than himself). The other young man got up out of his chair and went over and stepped on the ant. Demonstrating his disdain for a sub-ant accomplishment. So it is with we mortals, if you try to work more than the ordinary, more than the expected, if you climb the ladder too fast the jealous and the less ambitious will most assuredly knock you down. If you desire popularity, stay with the ne'er do wells.
Next week, will be Veteran's Day. This old blind veteran, like most veterans, will not observe the day because it is necessary for most to work. Those who observe holidays, take a day off each week, take off on long vacations are the salaried government workers of the world (bureaucrats). Are the bankers, preachers, teachers and those who spend their time lamenting because they are in a fixed income condition. I never knew my hard working father not to have several jobs. As a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected veteran, I have always worked several jobs at a time (editor, writer, manager of my real estate properties, owner of several businesses, supervisor of a large stock portfolio) there is nothing I detest and protest like laziness and slothfulness. The earliest Americans, our pilgrim fathers, learned early in the establishment of the colonies that those who would not work, would not eat (2 Thessalonian 3:10). It was announced this morning, that 50% of children of our nation depend on food stamps. It was announced last week, that in 1970, 90% of all American children were reared in homes with both parents. This year, 60% of all American children are reared in a single family home. 37% of all black children are reared in a single family home.
Most of the great historic buildings of our country, large and small, were built before power tools. The farmers of this nation fed this country and a large part of the world when farming was mostly done with mules and hand plows. The work ethic is now at a sickening level. There is still honor in work. There are two great reasons for work. One: You work to avoid poverty. Two: You work because it is your Christian obligation. Lazy people are always tired. You work hard to make any athletic team. Wealth is not your 401K.
Take a piece of paper, write down everything you treasure in your life. The world has nothing we can take with us when we leave. Your security is in God and God alone. Often, when someone calls me, relative or otherwise, and starts talking about their problems, their lack of finances, I always ask this question, “Do you still have any birds around your house? Do you still hear them singing? Can you still see their beauty?” God is still on the throne. He takes care of those birds and I believe he will still care for you. Remember, if you can hear, think of those who cannot. If you can see, think of those like your writer who cannot see one thing, if you are still able to work, even if no more than keeping house and providing for yourself, be thankful. Cut no slack for young people who just want to spend their life laying around, living off the work of others.
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