One of the most atrocious acts during the Civil War when the Yankees moved through the communities, especially a farm. Poisoning the well water. They knew, as we know, people and animals cannot live without water. So the Yankee soldiers would throw a dead decomposing hog into the well, or stable manure, fertilizer or salt if they could find such. So, the smart southern people, would always keep one or two wells camouflaged, because people and animals must have water. From the very beginnings of history this has been the method used by the enemy bringing death, suffering and destruction to so many people. The greatest poison in the world Satan strategically puts into the hearts of men.
This week, we saw one of the most horrible actions that can take place in the time of war. One soldier, turning on others. Throughout the history of warfare, medals have been given for soldiers in esprit d'corp saving the lives of their fellow soldiers. Think of how many medals of honor were giving in WWII for young men who fell on hand grenades to save the lives of his pals.
In my years in the health care field, I have known some psychiatrists. One told me, “It is a fake science, but it pays well.” Inconceivable, this army medical officer, psychiatrist, Muslim would so despise the country he had sworn to defend, that he would go out of town to buy weapons, with which to indiscriminately shoot his fellow comrades like shooting fish in a barrel. We have experienced the tragedy of suicide bombings. I don't believe this country is ready for such. We know how the suicide bombers are “stoked” with drugs. I am sure when the truth comes out about this doctor he will have a drug problem. There are more suicides among psychiatrists than among any other kind of doctor. And, doctors are very well known for using drugs, particularly psychiatrists.
The tragedy is, the state run news media, as with everything else, tries to be so politically correct about the entire tragedy... First thing the Muslim doctor was dead, then trying, for the sake of the Muslim president to keep his religion completely silent.
Many men were still in the military during the Korean conflict from WWII. I had one friend who was a Japanese doctor. He served during the conflict but was never sent into the Pacific area. When the Pentagon stops being so stupid, they either will stop taking Muslims into the military service and certainly not sending them to fight Muslims. And, when medical officers and others working with such will stay away from the officers club, stay sober for awhile, stop being so politically correct about everything they can ascertain ahead of time and prevent such a disaster.
In my many years as a medical officer, in army hospitals, I saw many problems. I did not have the rank to correct anything. The greatest problem was most of the commanding officers were all drunks, just trying to keep breathing until retirement time. In the military, in the civil service, in all government bureaucracies, “you play along to get along.” And like the stupid monkeys, you see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing. This is the way you get promoted. This is the way you have good evaluation in your personnel file.
In the Western world, we prepare for success, never failure. There are many suicides never reported, never suspected. My cousin, a pilot, told me he aimed his personal plane over the Atlantic Ocean, prepared to never come back. But just before there was not enough fuel to return, he thought of what the loss of his life would mean to his parents. God turned him around, he came back, and later died a natural death.
The test of a man is not what he does when everything is going well, but what he does when things go wrong. We are not promised a bed of roses, but only by trusting in God, His protection.
As a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected veteran for most of my life. Twice, two people have told me, “If I were in your condition I would kill myself.” Once, by a cousin who actually thought she was a Christian.
I went across the wall (through checkpoint Charlie) to East Germany twice, poor, bleak, falling buildings always the definition of Marxism. One German doctor told me while in the desolation of East Germany the depravity of communism is poison to your entire system. People never get well from any disease in the communist system. (I wish the puppets and perverts in Congress who are trying to force the communist health care system on America would realize this) He told me, when the wall came down and he saw the beauty of the western side (before only seen on TV) colors, fashions, new buildings, nice cars, clear skies. Hope and inspiration came back into his body.
Most of the darkness and poisons of the world, men bring on themselves. Disbelief in self is the greatest poison a human being can suffer. To think that homicide or suicide is your only escape. Tragic is the mind without hope and without the faith in the grace of God which is beyond wisdom or understanding.
Disbelief in country most of which is due to the corruption and evil of politicians, the deception of the news media, the compromise of academia and the corporate world can only be neutralized with a surge of God-inspired patriotism.
Disbelief in the Church, the Bride of Christ given by God to lead and comfort those who will follow, has been diminished by prissy pastors, pickpocket TV evangelist and others who have bowed down with more love to the world than of God. (1 John 2:15)
With all the evil that afflicts the world and has a debilitating influence on this country have the good sense not to forget the greatness of America. Remember its great music “smoke gets in your eyes”, “night and day” etc. Remember the great scientific discoveries made by the scientists of this country, DNA, nanotechnology, etc. Artistic triumphs, World Trade Center, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, etc. Service to the world, 90% all Christian Missionaries, Red Cross, etc. Right is never wrong and wrong can never be right. Men do what they do because they believe what they believe. We have a country that does not believe in poison but compassion. We cannot afford to judge ourselves or allow others to judge us by our failures, but our successes. We stand on the shoulders of greatness, great fathers, great mothers. Our country measured not by great battles but great people.
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