You can be sure, if you have two brain cells still synapsing that within the next two years there will be a series of terrorist attacks in this country. I have been thinking for many years, that the first objective of Islam would be the entertainment and porno center of the world. The Los Angeles and San Fransisco areas of California. I expected a nuclear wipe-out there and also in the New York – Chicago area. Muslims have suggested that they do not want a nuclear residual (you can not enter a nuclear zone for 50 years). Rather they want a series of explosions perhaps athletic events, shopping malls. Enough to damage and dismay a “soft” American populous who will easily give in to foreign domination and occupation thinking that giving up the wealth of the wealthy would enable the masses to keep living their lackadaisical lifestyle.
You will see lines around banks. People trying to get out money with no place to spend it. There will not be any delivery trucks on the highways. There will be no operating gasoline pumps. Grocery stores, if open, will be empty. One young person told me he expected to eat all his meals at fast food restaurants. Restaurants, fast food or other wise, will be closed. Electricity will be off. No water will be coming out of the faucets.
Katrina, was an excellent example of our unpreparedness to face a disaster of any type. Think of it. The prison doors were opened. Prisoners of every stripe were let out on an unsuspecting, unforgiving public. Men who had not experienced sex for a long time were seeking your young daughters. Homosexuals, were seeking your young sons. Crime and insolence had nothing to worry about. There were no law enforcement officers. They were at home with gasless vehicles, trying to protect their own families. Nursing home patients were left in their beds to drown as the flood waters rose. The advocates of taking away weapons were left to fight off their attackers with wooden spoons and cans of disinfectant spray. As my father taught us long ago, locks mean nothing to a thief strong enough to kick down a door.
Everyday, in every way, public service advertisements should be on every medium of communication. Reminding the public of the necessity to prepare for the eventual terrorist attack. It is not a matter of why, but when and how. Anyone, with any sense at all, knows that it is coming. We are the infidel, the enemy, only one small strip of land on the Mediterranean Sea is hated more by the Islamic world than is the United States of America. Israel has experienced their hatred for a very long time. Israel knows what it is like to hear the sound of deadly missiles. Israel knows what it is like to scrape up and bury the spattered remains of their loved ones. Just as with preparations for a hurricane, Americans should prepare for terrorism.
There will be no gas for your vehicle. If fortunate enough not to worry about nuclear fall-out have comfortable shoes you will be walking everywhere. Have batteries for flashlights and for battery operated radios. Have a shovel for a “slit trench” (ask someone who has been in the military to explain to you the function of a slit-trench. In a few words, you will not have water to flush a toilet. Elimination must take place in your yard. You dig a line trench over which you eliminate and throw in dirt afterwards. This is getting back to basics in survival. Most young, spoiled Americans have never seen an outhouse.)
Liberated women, in the front lines promoting abortion will now wish there were young fighters to protect them. Remember, those that have promoted a culture of death aborting the most innocent of human life will find there is no empathy for older people in a time of crisis. As one who has been in a cocoon of blindness, isolation for most of my life (A totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran) I can tell you, without fear of contradiction, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. The politicians – bureaucrats who were elected and promised to protect you and help you, will be at home frantic curled up in a fetal position. I have lived in a hurricane area most of my life. We know they are coming every year. It never fails, every time everything, it is as if it has never happened before... Unprepared law enforcement officers will be at there homes with gasless vehicles trying to protect their families from the rampaging criminals already antagonizing our crime-ridden communities. I don't know what the spoiled youngsters and boomers will do without telephones and televisions?
Start now, fill empty juice and other containers with water and store in a bathroom or the back of an utility room. Old water is better than no water. Start now buy extra canned goods such as sweet potatoes and peanut butter, food that will not spoil and yet will give you energy. Start now, prepare for health disasters your prescriptions, oregano, charcoal for stomach upsets. There are many books available to assist you in preparing for a disaster. And it will be a disaster that may last for a very long time.
In India, I saw the “death wagons” go by every day picking up the dead bodies in the streets for Hindu cremation. In this poor country of a billion people, there are people who are born on the streets live their entire lives on the streets and die on the streets. Out walking in the mornings, even near five star hotels, a mother and her children would be getting out of a cardboard box, their home. These people are accustomed to this type poverty/death. It will be a new experience for spoiled Americans. The 1959 film, “On The Beach” demonstrated that a nuclear cloud xould destroy the world. If we are fortunate, as in Iraq dead people will be put on the streets and picked up for mass burial.
You know your body, you know yours and your families needs more that anyone else. Prepare for “life survival.” More important, now is a good time to think of “soul survival”. If you have not made that “arrangement” with an eternal God whom you can trust. Time is ticking, life has always been a matter of preparation, preparation for living and preparation for dying. We cannot afford the luxury of procrastination, denial or rosecolored glasses.
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