A beautiful bird in the woods scratched into the ground to find worms for food. Busily, the bird took care of herself. Along came a man with a can full of worms. He said to the beautiful bird, “Give me one of your feathers and I will give you a worm and you won't have to work too hard”. The bird thought, “I have plenty of feathers, I sure won't miss one”. So the bird gave him a feather. The next day, the same proposition was offered. The bird no longer had to work for food, it was simply a matter of one feather at the time. Before long, the naked bird had eaten worms without work but was killed in the first freeze because she was naked with nothing to protect her from the cold. So it is with the Obama-lites, grabbing for government checks, letting go of every moral scruple of self-preservation, the government giving you what you need and you lazing around on your overweight, diabetic assets spending the money you have left on what you want.
I knew one of the great editors of the state, totally blind for many years. He called his wife “his seeing eye wife”. They went to a state NAACP meeting. He told me a few white people were there from the University. One of the rabid black preachers preached a rousing message on the “futility of worshiping God”. He said, in speaking to the group, “How far have you gotten by worshiping the white man's God? Whatever it takes, hook, crook, and everything in between, get every dime you can from the government. We know what our ancestors have suffered because of white oppression. Get your government money any way you can; we will never be repaid”. He said those folks clapped, stomped and many said, “GOD, MOVE OVER”.
Does this sound like Reverend Wright at the Chicago church which President Obama attended for 20 years, where he tells us he heard nothing? One of my acquaintances, a PhD graduate of Ohio State University, told me that the Black Church has become a nationalistic experience with a combination of voodoo exercises and leftover traces of Christianity. GOD, MOVE OVER.
The genetically modified fruits and vegetables (seedless grapes, engineered corn and beans) along with chemical artificial sweeteners found along with additives and preservatives have just about ruined the health of those who dare put such in their system. God gave us a food supply (living, breathing, fully adaptive to the human system) which, until a few years ago when the engineers became involved, made us a healthy people. But, GOD was told to MOVE OVER and now we have an epidemic of diabetes, heart attacks, cancer and strokes, debilitating addictions, groveling appetites for nutrition unsustained with fast foods, neurologically and nutritionally unsatisfied with synthetics, a mockery of unbelief, taste addictive enslavement.
Waiting now for the second dip of this greatest depression, when, in my opinion, there is no reason to think otherwise, unemployment will reach 30% and all the taxes collected will not possibly pay the interest on the national debt. We (the people, the government) have sat by passively while Goldman Sachs, with the assistance of the Treasury Secretary and the chairman of the Federal Reserve, has looted the national treasury. “Your hope and change” officials (Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke, Rangle, etc.), with much generosity of your money in the bail out fever, loaned zillions everywhere except where needed. Now, even Dubai, who supposedly had more money than God, cannot pay their bills or interest on their debt.
Generous Americans footed the bills for their building an indoor ski resort in this desert country, the tallest office and hotel buildings in the world, indoor air conditioned shopping centers built on man made islands shaped like palm trees. Your taxpayer dollars are embellishing the extravagant lifestyles of these Arab billionaires while many American children go to bed hungry every night, while American couples, both working (“tap dancing” as hard as possible) are losing their homes because of inability to pay a mortgage and 100% disabled veterans are receiving less pension than the college grant for an ROTC student.
At the end of WWII the National Debt, after years of war all over the globe, was about $75 billion. In less than one year of the Obama administration, the increase in debt is $1.4 trillion, taking into debt the entire GDP. With entitlements and payments of interest on the debt, the National Debt reaches $50 trillion. It is impossible to pay the interest on the National Debt with present taxation. In the future, if you have an animal of any sort, even a guinea chicken, the chicken must have a number and you will pay a tax on that number if on your premises. No longer will it be called your “property” but your “premises”. “Premises” belong to the government. GOD, MOVE OVER.
In several countries in Africa, and one in Asia, before I could board a plane (this was 40 years ago) I went through a body search, as did every other person; beyond comprehension. A male, in a screened area, would look in every pocket, even pull down my underwear, search socks, shoes, all baggage, to make sure of their security. The women told me that the same thing happened to them. Many were in such shock they were in tears. Americans have given up all privacy and security for safety but, at the first grand soirée of the Obama years, all security was violated as a wannabe, high society climbing couple crashed/infiltrated, as clearly shown with photographs of them rubbing elbows with the most powerful people of the world. Carefully planned, executed, nothing secret about it, the couple was even followed by news people.
Michaele Salahi was in a “beauty parlor” from 10 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon preparing for her débutante exposé . Of course, Larry King “preacher of debauchery” could hardly await his interview. The American people should be insulted and the SS troops of the Secret Service should be embarrassed by this latest assassination of intelligence. Bad enough was the shoe throwing incident with G.W. Bush. A brother of my Grandmother was a Secret Service agent during the Hoover/FDR administration. He told the importance of taking the crippled FDR into a Manhattan garage from his famous open car in order to change his wet clothing for dry clothing in a rain storm and of the security involved. Roosevelt could walk 37 steps with the braces of his day. At the Bankhead funeral in Montgomery, AL, the Secret service actually raised the street so the Roosevelt car could drive right up to the door and the President could walk the 37 steps, aided by his son, to the funeral. The Secret Service, like the Presidents, like our military system, like the character of the world, has gone the way of Sodom. Character determines destination, right will never be wrong and wrong will never be right. Men love darkness rather than light and darkness is rapidly overcoming light and right.
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