One of the most interesting studies in the world is that involving political geography and how cities get started, what develops politicians,etc. Having traveled the world, every continent, at night, listening to the BBC broadcast from London, I have never heard them give the weather report from any city I have not visited. In studying the maps of any country you will find that geography determines the development of a city. For protection, families would build their houses close together usually near a river because river transportation and boats was the only mode of transportation for many years. As in the many islanded Indonesia (a nation of 5,000 islands), the expense of building bridges is so prohibitive that the ferries we hear of sinking make the connections between cities and so it was with the early rivers here. Mostly ferries connecting either side of a river as was the case here with the Cape Fear River. But, as bridges were built, so were roads and later railroads. Fortunes were made with the early railroads (Vanderbilts), the first railroad in North Carolina was from Wilmington to Weldon, the railroad owned by then Governor Dudley, who's mansion still sits here on the bank of the river.
In Europe, the cities were walled for protection and from the beginnings of military forces, produced by the families of the city, slowly but surely the head military men became the first politicians. Today, most politicians are lawyers but western civilization and it's political leaders is a product of the military.
Perhaps from the pillaging, pilfering, contraband, graft and corruption, easily learned in military exploits, the early politicians learned there was security and safety with their nose in the public tax trough. It becomes just a matter of keeping your position there, whatever the cost. The early politicians, like today's, with their lackey bureaucrats, know that government produces nothing, their power comes in their ability to tax. The one time protectors want to continue the charade and never let the enslaved know that they do not own anything but rather those empowered with the ability to tax and regulate own everything. It becomes a matter of raising their pay, steadily stealing through empowered expense accounts (now to the extent of giving politicians and bureaucrats credit cards) and just keeping the process going without going to jail.
The enslaved, who now must get a permit or a license, for every human action except breathing, are so enthralled by these politician moochers that they further regulate themselves by entwining and entangling into Homeowner Associations, where, believe it or not, in the true Marxist system, their neighbors further regimentize their lifestyle.
You could never convince our forefathers, who believed in freedom, who loved every idea of liberty, that their descendants would submit to the inhumanity of men. Even if we had been invaded by a foreign army, we would not have less liberty than we have today with a combined occupying force of obsessing elected political tyrants and wannabe stewards of the streets (in Cuba, the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution patrols every street, regulates and reports the “goings on” in every residence).
Beyond comprehension, the moochers of the universe, elected politicians, their bureaucratic lackeys, de-sanitized homeowner watchers, all are allowed without too much resistance to massage the pocketbooks of their captors. Every Marxist leader (Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev) has said, in speaking of Western Civilization, that each democracy will fall when it's officials realize they can live well off the enslaved. It is simply a matter of staying in power. It is simply a matter of keeping your political party in power. It is simply a matter of buying off any interference or by the scare tactic of political correctness, threats of being called a racist, become a pacifist because it is “nice” to turn the other cheek. As far as the eye can see, your children and grandchildren are up to their eyeballs in debt ($50 trillion, social security, military, civil service, retirements, $12 trillion federal debt, $250,000 indebtedness for each American man, woman and child). The American experiment, once the envy of the globe, like the Christian church, once the last hope of the globe, are both in a climate of despair, mostly of our own choosing. When will we learn to stand up for God, family and country and keep our hard earned heritage from the moochers preying upon us?
God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.
God Bless America -
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