The reset button is as normal in the 21st Century living as the handle on the water faucet in the 19th Century. The garbage disposal, the cable box many such technologies have such.
Our Nation is almost evenly divided now, 50/50 the producers who pay most of the tax responsible for most of the nations progress, and the 50% taxeaters dependent on the other 50% through their food stamps, section 8 housing, welfare checks, supplemental income checks, NIT (a progressive income tax system where people earning below a certain amount receive supplemental pay from the government instead of paying taxes to the government). Disgorge of dependency extends from one generation to another. We have an entire population addicted and dependent on government subsidy or out right government grants. The children of welfare parents brought up by a politically correct school system, actually believes the country is supposed to support them. They never know the honor of work or the integrity of responsible living. Anxious to get the communist totalitarian collectivist system operating in this nation. The only thing they know how to do, like sheep to the sheerer go to the polls and vote in lockstep the straight democrat ticket.
When the 9-11 terrorist attack caused President George W. Bush to mount his Presidential Jet and flee, pity he did not go on to his 100,000 acre ranch in Paraguay. Our nation would have been much better off if he had just stayed there and the Republican Party which he damaged beyond repair, might have a chance of recovery. So, the reset button was pushed and, beyond comprehension a Marxist Sunni Muslim easily won the Presidency, due to this 50% population of welfare users propped up by the Liberal academic community and the state-supported controlled media who “carry their water.”
To date, the national debt has increased by 1.3 trillion, the automobile, banking, financial, insurance communities have been taken over by this culture of death. The unemployment is now officially 17.5% and is probably 20% (it was only 18% during the Great Depression). The female secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, like the vice-president Biden, both of whom have agendas as want-to-be presidents. And like the two immediate past secretary of state, Rice and Albright, are bringing disaster to our economic, financial and diplomatic future. We are involved in two wars which we cannot win. We have a $50 trillion deficit future which we cannot repay when you consider the entitlements. We have a lackadaisical outlook when a Muslim Doctor, right under the nose of the Nations capital under the nose of Walter Reid Hospital, is encouraging returning service members not to fight Muslims. Certainly, knowing this psychiatrist was attending a Mosque in Maryland and just off base at Fort Hood, a warning flag of some type should have been a concern to the Military outside the combat zone. It is time for a reset button involving our national security at all levels of government, pushing the American people into a health care system which at least 50% of the tax payers oppose should take a back seat when surveying mental problems among those who think they are physically and mentally healthy.
During my years attending functions with UN Officials in New York City I found that imagery is all important, not just with 3rd world nations who want to give a sense of progress but especially Russia and China hardstrapped by the Marxist control system. Russia, trying to escape the stigma of the czars and China, trying to escape the system of the dynasties. “The end justifies the means.” The authoritarian systems of government are intent on improving on their image from a system of escaping enslavement to capitalistic opportunities. Many Americans, are perfectly content to trade capitalism for authoritarian enslavement.
A young man and his live-in girlfriend had trouble. He left home with their baby in the baby seat of the car. As he was driving the baby began to fret. He reached around, took the baby out of the baby seat and threw the baby out of the window. A fifteen year old girl waiting outside the school building for her father was lured to another place, gang raped by as many as 10 for 2 ½ hours while another 10 or 15 looked on taking pictures with their cell phones and was then left half naked beaten under a bench.
Where was the compassion in either of these cases? Have we reached the place in this country that our hearts are cold as stone? It is time for the reset button to be pushed, homes, schools, government, military and certainly kicking out “political correctness” from the Church. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. It is time for the absolute button of right and wrong to be pushed.
The darling of the liberals, those who have never seen the need for a reset button will continue to sing with Michael Jackson “Because I'm bad, I'm bad-come on (bad bad-really, really bad) You know I'm bad, I'm bad-you know it (bad bad-really, really bad) You know I'm bad, I'm bad-come on, you know (bad bad-really, really bad) And the whole world has to answer right now Just to tell you once again, Who's bad . . .”
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