Thursday, June 16, 2011


We do not know very much about him except that he was one of the saints of the early church (Acts 11). Agabus had the great opportunity afforded to very few men: friendship with Barnabas and the Apostle Paul. It was at Antioch, one of the great cities of the Middle East, even greater than Athens, that we find these three...where Christ's followers were first called “Christians”. Agabus prophesied a famine throughout the world...a lesson to Christians for time and eternity: God does not have a watch, does not own a calender, things prophesied may not happen right away, but they always happen. It was during the reign of Emperor Claudius, about 10 years later (45 AD), that the famine came, giving Christians the opportunity of sharing themselves and their treasure with others.

From that time until this, what would the world be like if it had not been for Christian saints sharing themselves and their treasure around the world? No respectable, honest atheist can deny that it has been the Christian who has made the difference in the world's history. Pitiful if the fulfillment of the world's needs depended on atheists, just imagine what the world would be like if not for Christians? Christians in America send out 90% of the world's missionaries, much of the largess of the world is sent by Christian organizations (denominations, Salvation Army, Roman Catholic Church).

On this side of the Cross, starting in the first century, it was the Christians who retrieved so many thrown-away babies (at a time of Roman decadence and sexual promiscuity, birth control limited to sponges with vinegar, new born babies were just thrown into the streets or under bridges). It was the new Christians who adopted unwanted babies, cared for the needy and the sick.

In America, the Christian church built the early colleges and universities (Harvard, Princeton, Duke, Furman, etc.) the Christian church, particularly the Catholic church, built hospitals in every crossroads...orphanages, nursing homes. It's tragic that with the take-over of the greatest healthcare system in the world, Obamacare will put an end to this system. Most Catholic hospitals will close because God's work and that of Satan cannot mesh. Do you actually expect pro-life Catholic hospitals, with their pro-life professionals and staff to commit murder (abortion and euthanasia)?

As with every aspect of government control, the number is 10 years. The most despicable aspects of government control do not develop over night, it takes about 10 years for it to flourish, to mature in all of it heinous, odious captivation. 10 years, it usually takes 10 years for every legislative paradigm/tragedy to develop. Check it out, TSA, FDA, Homeland Security. In a few months, in September, we will remember 9/11...over 3000 Americans killed in the Trade Center disaster in New York City. As the black woman who worked for me danced around my house, celebrating the tragedy because she so despised the people of New York City—where she had lived for awhile—I predicted that day that the world would be hardly recognizable 10 years later...and so it is, 10 years later, the entire world in economic catastrophe.

10 years is a small notch in the continuous parallel of history, but in these past 10 years since 9/11 we have seen “supposed” intelligent world leaders yield to the ineptness of fear and fear-mongering. The entire Middle East is a cauldron of vindictiveness inflamed through the “oil” of greed. Middle East oil is so valuable because it is near the surface, the Sheiks there became more rich than Midas when oil was less than $5 a barrel. Everywhere one finds a “patch” of oil (Libya, Sudan, Yemen, etc.), “fisticuffs” between the hoarders and traders ensues. There is no greed like the greed for oil profits, unless greased by those of opium poppies such as found in Afghanistan. In 10 years, we have seen Afghanistan become the world's greatest producer of heroin...traffic lines from the poppy fields of the Middle East to the corn fields of western civilization.

In 10 years, we have seen stable, mongrelized tyrannies (Egypt, Tunisia, Iran, Turkey, etc.) turn into bastions of protestations and actual civil war. Religious zealotry used in such places as Syria, Jordan, Pakistan, to whip up contempt for the rest of the world. In the next 10 years we will see famine such as Agabus prophesied for the world at the time of Claudius, just 2000 years ago. It does not take the meltdown of many nuclear reactors, the accumulation of radioactive material on plant life to destroy animal husbandry and agriculture.

I have been amazed, during my long life of world travel, to witness the intelligence of many youngsters. Pray that recent highschool graduates, 17-18 year olds, will get a vision of what is going on in the world. After all, it was from the 7 sons of Jesse that the prophet Samuel picked the youngest, David, a beautiful young boy (1 Samuel 16). At 17, David slew the giant Goliath, at 30 he became King of Israel, still until this day, the greatest leader of Judaism. It was at 17 that Joseph, the least predictable one of Jacob's 12 sons, was prepared to become a great leader. He stood before Pharaoh at the age 30 and gave the plans to save the entire world from starvation (Egypt, at that time, the superpower of the world).

America, like most of the world, has become one large Ponzi scheme. Unprepared for famine, nothing saved for a “rainy day”...disaster, warfare, terrorism, or natural acts of God (earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, drought), where will we turn?

The world, the flesh, the devil has spit in the face of Almighty God, killing his youngest and most innocent through abortion, his oldest and most faithful through euthanasia. The world has shown spite to the decency of marriage, even the sanctity of the church pulpit (homosexual priests and bishops) through the homosexual agenda. It has taken just 10 years for the gay agenda, the Antichrist antics of pluralism, despotism to take-over media, education, political entities. We are bound to have young people, recent high school and college graduates, those from age 17 to 30, who, like other great historic world leaders, are competent enough to dig out the knowledge, and dig into the time required for renaissance.

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