Recently, a pastor friend of mine said to me, “you are just an old fogie.” I had just said to him that statistics prove that 91% of all “supposed” Christians do not have a Biblical perspective on life.
Often, young people will talk to me about things which they know should be exposed, which they know are wrong, and which they know will bother them the rest of their lives. A young man told me about a police chief at Wrightsville Beach...I later had the chance to meet the man. He said, “on this beach where so many illegal drugs are circulating, so many college students using illegal drugs such as marijuana, when he and his officers make a raid, he always confiscates the illegals.” The students know ahead of time what he will say, the news has got around, “if you do not want to go to jail, you will stay quiet about this. I will dispose of the drugs. Since you are young, with your whole life is ahead of you, I am going to forget about this incident.” Of course, then what happens? He and his law enforcement officers sell the drugs to someone else. Once or twice a year, this chief would make a big public-relations deal for the “secular, sick, socialist” news media saying he was burning all these drugs that he had “confiscated” at the incinerator.
To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. For the uninitiated, stupid, older voters in this beach town, these practices from the pit of hell continued because they did not know, and they did not want to know about the corruption in their government. Most young people know about the corruption in government, have little respect for law enforcement, judiciary, politicians or pastors, and feel that corruption and hypocrisy is the rule and not the exception. For the rest of our lives, we see it on every hand, locally, state-wide, federal, we will spend our lives just trying to protect ourselves from those hired to protect us.
Further, in discussing law enforcement at this beach town where I owned ten rental units. Since I am totally blind, I cannot always see what is going on, but hear much. I understood that there was a house of drug-dealing across the street from me. One of my neighbors told me that young people would ride up on their bicycle, and leave with drugs wrapped in toilet paper. I knew that police were involved so I went to see the woman commissioner responsible for the police department. I asked her not to involve me because of my physical condition, but she did anyways. One of my neighbors who had difficulty sleeping at night because of a stroke, would sit in the dark and watch the streets. She told me that she saw two police officers put an icepick into my tires. Of course, this was many years ago, but I still have a house there, and the conditions have not changed.
For a long time, farming communities across the nation could predict “corn knee-high by the fourth of July”. This year, there is very little corn growing in the nation. As I have written a thousand times over the years, God talks to us, but we do not listen. Not just in climate changes, but a total change in morality. This year, solar flares, unusual winds from many directions, over-land hurricanes (tornadoes), drought (Texas) and floods (mid-America) just arriving anywhere, anytime, usually without warning, such as this week's tornadoes at Churchill Downs, Kentucky and earlier this month in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Old fogies trusted in the grace of God, but for several generations now: witchcraft. JK Rowling's Harry Potter book has became the Bible of the new-age crowd. Printed in 40 countries, movies still being released, Harry Potter merchandise taking over the market. Adults, who at one time received guidance from God's Word are now reading Harry Potter. A recent poll tells us that a 20 year-old male has spent thousands of hours playing video games. Witchcraft is even recognized in the military, wiccan chaplains.
“I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.” Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU, could not imagine when he made this statement, how fast Americans would grab at it.
Neutral you cannot be, agnosticism and globalism is on the attack. We know that old fogies are not welcomed at the courthouse, schoolhouse, church house, or I am sorry to say, many times, even their own house, by their own families. The Christian, the patriot is becoming an endangered specie. Our fellow citizens groping and groveling in the deceitfulness of Satanic nonsense, wanting to please the world. The politician, pastor, parent, all seek to please the world.
The one great sharing experience of those who have aged: being able to remember America the beautiful, land of the free, home of the brave, people rejoicing in opportunity, even the responsibility of decent living while aging.
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