First held in 1877, the annual Westminster Dog Show is held in Madison Square Garden, NYC. This international show brings breeders of the canine species together to compete for highest honors in the dog world. The judges look for exacting features of the species, purebred, no off-color bloodlines mixed with good breeding; a total of 179 breeds are recognized by this kennel club.
It has always amazed me just how careful some human beings are about breeding and bloodlines with their pets...the money spent on making sure that your certified animals (“papers included”) have been bred only with certified “best of the species” (dogs, cows, horses, etc.). So particular in their animal's sexual activities, veterinarian care, food, and exercise, when the choices of God's creation, genus homo sapiens (human beings), ancestry, progeny, sexual activities, healthcare, discipline, are so neglected.
One of the most disturbed young men I have ever known in my life, working in a business I owned for a short time, was reared by two lesbians (one of them his biological mother). He had a brilliant mind, artistic ability beyond compare, and yet because of the sociological-psychological trauma of his rearing, he was unable to function in society. These two women had led him to despise all women because of his resentments.
In Manhattan, while eating in a restaurant, the male server became acutely interested in my life. He came by my house several times because he needed someone with whom he could talk. He was a medical student at a New York university, one of the most brilliant minds I have ever encountered. Puerto Rican, great family values, he took his deceased mother back to Puerto Rico for burial with his deceased father. He revealed to me that he was gay, and lived with a male lover who also a medical student. Both went to school and worked every job they could find; both were ambitious, completely at ease in their own skin. Upon graduation, both residencies at a west coast hospital, wanting children, but not wanting female companionship, they adopted a child, a young girl. He called me several times about such: how much they loved this child, spending so much to provide for her. The last time he called, he told me that as she aged, she had built “such a resentment and so despises both of us” because she wanted a normal home-life.
So many think that the religious baptism of a child will ensure Christian conformity. Have we not learned that even the baptism of adults, church membership, does not result—magically—in Christian obedience or even somewhat acceptable hypocrisy. Just participating in a game, just pretending to be a player, even to the extent of talking the language, wearing the uniform, does not establish commitment (you can teach a parrot to talk). Ask the habit wearing, roman-collar wearing, pedophile Catholic priest. Ask the 75% of college students, reared in Christian homes, why they deserted the church after college graduation.
The insult to the Christian world, the insanity of denominations/churches, professing Christians, who sanction same-sex marriage, homosexual pastors and bishops, abortion. The inability to keep oneself separated from the world, the deceitfulness and sinfulness of the world. The Christian is holy because Christ is holy; royal, divine, because as joint-heirs with Christ, we are children of a King. (1 Peter 2:9) Oh yes, Oh yes, I'm a child of the King. His royal blood now flows in my veins. (“I'm a Child of the King” - Hymn).
Government has a very definite responsibility for Biblical and legal marriage and family, the uniting of a male and female (holy matrimony), the production of children. Physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially, the children of normal parents do better in every aspect of life. Only 5% of children raised in “mother and father” homes, live in poverty; very few of these children wind up in prison. Now, there are always exceptions but generally speaking, children from a stable home-life, loving parents, have fewer problems.
You cannot expect children to worship a heavenly father who have had a horrible relationship with an earthly father. I have never heard a gay young man refer to his father, likewise I have never heard a gay young woman refer to her mother. Every young person without a normal mother and father home life or coming from an orphanage or foster home, feel that they have been cheated. All children want parents, brothers and sisters, family ancestry, all animals desire purity of species. There are many things that religious people disagree about: purgatory, rapture, women preachers, method of baptism, divorce, but one thing they agree on, from the first family with all of its problems(one brother killing another) to now, the importance of family.
How many people do you know that can explain their faith? Who, on a piece of paper, can write down the essentials of their faith. Think of it, the only species given by the Creator of the universe, the hope and opportunity of eternal life. The satisfaction of knowing that the spirit of the Creator of the universe is capable of operating within you, giving you advice and instructions about everything, hearing you, healing you, consoling you, and at last, redeeming you. Is it possible to conceive of this species being so nonchalant, so casual, so unconcerned about the greatest gift possible for any brain to conceive? Perhaps, the brain of the homo sapiens species is not capable of this conception. Perhaps this is why God, in His infinite mercy, has predestined those whom He has chosen.
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