Operation Mockingbird was a government program started in 1949, whereby the CIA controlled news in this country and around the world. Headed by Frank Wisner, the Office of Special Projects became the espionage and counter-intelligence branch of the CIA. By the early 1950s, Wisner “owned” (controlled) respected members of The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other news organizations. Wisner referred to this apparatus as the “Mighty Wurlizter” (referring to the theater organ capable of controlling diverse pipes, instruments, and sound effects from a central console).
Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, persuaded Cord Meyer to join the CIA, but found that he had already been recruited behind the scenes and was spying on other organizations. It so simple to understand that while most of the country has been asleep, the secular media (CIA) has taken over, and indeed, the mentality of a nation has become totally corrupted. If you do not think so, just looked at the controlled media, controlled talking points in every area of news commentary...print, radio, television. The important things are shoved aside, the mediocre, the menial, even the absurd are brought into prominence. While this country is in a great depression, warring against terrorism, drugs, crime, one news broadcast after another brings us all down to gutter level with moment-by-moment details of a crazed New York congressman and crude pictures of himself.
At Elevation Church, a mega-church in Matthews, NC, a working mother took her children to church on easter Sunday, including her 12-year-old son with cerebral palsy. During the service, after prayer, the son voiced a louder than usual “Amen”. Reportedly, the family was asked to leave the sanctuary and escorted to another area of the church. Following the incident the boy's mother contacted the church about assisting in a special service for the handicapped. The churches were cold to idea of a handicapped group, rather wanting a distraction-free service. As a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected veteran, I can tell you without hesitation that churches, restaurants, and even family gatherings, do not want handicapped people. As I have been told, right to my face, several times, “your disability makes 'normal people' uncomfortable.”
Sixteen miles from Jerusalem, on a street in Jericho, when blind Bartimaeus understood that Jesus was passing by, he began to cause a commotion, attempted to get the attention of Jesus, asking for mercy. The people around him wanted a distraction-free street for Jesus to walk down. You see, these people do not know the darkness of blindness, just as those at Elevation Church in Matthews, do not know the constrictions of cerebral palsy. Before we say “if this is Christianity, I want no part of it”, think of what Jesus said, “they that are whole do not need a physician.” (Matthew 9:12) There is nothing wrong with Christianity that Jesus cannot fix. We become what we read, think, and are; we need The Book.
In a world of autism, handicapped citizens, it is time to stop snoozing, deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow our Living God. (Matthew 16:24) As is the case with lock boxes outside of apartment houses, commercial buildings, etc in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a measure with which emergency responders can easily get into your property, we give up all privacy for safety. The new system for commercial flight, since scanning and groping is not enough the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) proposes to just give each passenger an injection...putting everyone to sleep, to become alert on arrival at destination, the ultimate travel experience...rested, no food, no bathrooms, no crying children, no threat of terrorism...the savings involved in not feeding, inspecting, and putting more ticket holders on a plane, particularly on a long flight like the 16 hour flight to South Korea or South Africa.
Americans like gated communities. The cellphone, computer, has put us in isolation from one another; it is better to text, tweet or use facebook. Forget the front porch, the back fence, social club, only in India do you see people conversing with one another. The perfect SAT score is 2400, the perfect credit score is 840, educationally or financially, you may not have a professed, possessed need for anything or anyone. The rapid slide of your world into the chasm/inferno of annihilation may not bother you, but for God's sake, think of others, particularly innocent children fortunate enough to escape the abortion holocaust.
Traveling the world, I found that people in socialist countries never speak to anyone. There are 320,000 churches in America, a few hundred megachurches, most congregations of less than 300; too many are just a collection of white hair. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. At a time of our best-educated, most tech-savvy, most prosperous population, climb off your lounge of indifference and forget snoozing, America did not come this far to fall so fast!
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