At the Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem, near Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, for the millions who died in the Holocaust, among the Hall of Names where you find the names of and testimony about the many who died, you will find a wall “Righteous Among the Nations” where those who helped the Jews in WWII are listed. A Wall of Shame has been proposed, where the names of those who helped in the Holocaust, or remained neutral, such as Pope Pius XII.
Even in America, FDR was criticized because he did not allow the bombing of the railroad tracks leading into the death camps at Auschwitz and Dachau. As horrible as the Holocaust of WWII was...the gas chambers, slave labor, not only the killing of the Jews, but the killing of the disabled, even today we find warfare in full horror.
The latest Obama fiasco, attacks on Libya using the “foil of oil”. Libya is the richest country on the African continent, one of the world's great oil reserves. Up until the recent attacks, Gaddafi was bargaining with America for military supplies. Evidently, the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, because others saw Gaddafi attempting to initiate a new currency backed by gold. Gaddafi, the owner of 143 tonnes of gold in his bank, was having trouble with the IMF, cyber warfare and OPEC. Slaves bombing slaves...American service people uninformed about what they are doing, Gaddafi loyalists and protesters with nothing to gain from either side; all just attempting to survive.
Americans have increased difficulty understanding the hypocrisy of our involvement in North Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The Bilderbergers, meeting in San Meritz, Switzerland, the globalists, one world government, the bankers of the world...all trying to circumnavigate common man's unrest with a hedge of enslavement. With the common man's access to technology (internet, cell phones, television), the “big I, little u” mentality of the elitist governments, the domination by the bankers and powerbrokers of the world becomes more difficult in a time of Wikileaks, daily hacking and the incredulity threats through acts of God (ash from volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes) and the knowledge for even the most uneducated, that hunger separates men from drones and meltdown.
In 1960, following activities with the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, I became active in the Worker's Rights Organization (WRO). My interest and activity in this group was activated by anger at the way American veterans are treated. Next to slavery, the greatest shame of this nation is its treatment of disabled veterans and handicapped citizens. My entire lif, I had witnessed the disgraceful treatment of sharecropping tenant farmers, cotton-mill workers, ravished/enslaved day-laborers in eastern North Carolina.
It would be difficult to determine who cared less about the disenfranchised of the state: the Democrat party which had been in power since 1900 or the Baptist churches who just looked the other way. Veterans and the disabled (blind, deaf, crippled, etc.) were lucky to get a few crumbs from the table. Cotton-mill workers (and there was a cotton mill owned by a wealthy family living on the hill) in every town of any size, tenant farmers robbed at tobacco auction markets, blacks experiencing the worst of discrimination attempting to elicit welfare rights legislation from a disgruntled, decadent legislature was discouraging. The only thing these democrat legislators wanted were the votes of these despairing, poor, ignorant baptists and other evangelicals; and led by itinerant, ignorant preachers, they went in lock-step to the polls.
Saul Alinsky came on the scene and persuaded the black leadership to hang its futures on the coattails of the civil rights movement. So, after the coup-d'etat, the assassination of JFK establishing LBJ in the Presidency, the plight and fight of the black citizens was initiated. To these uninitiated, everything was, and still is, obscure. Even the black caucus in the congress, slow-learners, finding they are just used by the powerbrokers of the world.
It has taken time, only the most naive could imagine it happening this easily (the end justifies the means). Mr. Obama has been established in the White House, a man with no past. Private investigators are unable to find out anything about him, supposedly he attended Columbia University, but from interviews with 400 people there at the time, apparently no one remembers him. People do not remember him anywhere else in the world, as much as $100,000 has been offered as a reward for anyone who can give information about him.
Private investigators (people licensed by their state), knowing the realities of false information, with access to all law enforcement databases, have been unable to establish any knowledge about this man. Most of us are easily traced with our social security number. 042684425, reportedly Mr. Obama's number, assigned by the agency to Connecticut was first issued in 1890. Surely, at the hospital, reportedly his birthplace, if it could be proven, would have a big plaque stating that this is the birthplace of an American president. Nowhere do you find anything like this.
Easier than invading armies landing on our beaches, almost as easy as aliens crossing our borders...our infrastructure still intact, buildings still erect, harassed overtaxed citizens still working, we have been captured. The present electorate is a shame to our ancestry. Just down the streets from my house is a historic marker that states that George Washington spent the night there. Until a few years ago, until chemicals in our water supply, chemicals in the sky, chemicals in our food dumbed-down the nation, we would have rebelled at the shame of our easy captivity, surrendering without putting up a fight.
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