CS Lewis, one of the world's greatest writers said, “Christians are the best argument for and against Christianity.” 60 years ago today, having worked my way through the university, working at night, going to school during the day, I began the most difficult work of my life: selling Bibles door-to-door during the summer months in order to go to graduate/professional school. So, for the next 4 years, I sold Bibles door-to-door each summer.
I remember the country crossroads community (Maple Hill, NC), the first door on which I knocked. With any type of door-to-door selling, you get many more rejections than sales. I was staying in Wallace, NC with two other young salesmen. We were in a state of shock after our first day on the sales field, the other two left after the first day, went home. They needed a job, “but not that bad.” I stayed with it, the more difficult it became, the harder I worked. I suppose this is the reason I have so little tolerance for the spoiled, callous, generation which we encounter now. I suppose this is also the reason I have so little tolerance for faithless people, those who have never depended on the mercies of God.
I believe God made arrangements for me to travel the entire world, even in my blind condition, because He wanted me to know about the many people across the world, who so want and need opportunity. We hear of Zheng, the 17-year-old Chinese student, so wanting an Ipad, that he sold one of his kidneys. With the sale of his kidney he bought a Ipad and an Iphone.
History is marked by individuals who have given the best version of self, a credit to the human spirit. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1-4) All we need to know about creation and the mind of man, we find here. Some, in their own wisdom, have tried to “conform” (Romans 12) without knowing anything of transforming. Stephen Hawking, perhaps the world's greatest mind, from his almost totally paralyzed cocoon of existence has described the black hole from which we came into existence. Richard Dawkins, another great intellect has said, “DNA neither cares nor knows. DNA just is, and we dance to its music.” Christopher Hitchens, America's best known atheist, now facing death from cancer, has said, “I have found, as death becomes more familiar, that all the special pleading for salvation, redemption and supernatural deliverance appears even more hollow.” It is rewarding that his brother, Peter Hitchins, is a staunch follower of Jesus Christ.
Just this week, scientists from the world health organization have promoted what many of us have suspected for a long time. The relationship between the use of cell phones and brain cancer. Only those who have studied the magnificence of the brain can fully understand God's design in making the mind spiritual as well as physical. While it is true that from the billions of cells, the billions of synapses in the human brain, our mind physically performs our many tasks. More important is the magical/spiritual processes of the brain by which we can actually interrelate with a Designer of the universe. Just think, a brain so adapted to knowledge that one can perform expertly at the piano keyboard or at the surgery table in the operating room. The brain, the mind, the 23,000 gene genome, the immeasurable, almost incomprehensible microbiology involving all life-systems.
The same scientists who present us with the almost incomprehensible knowledge of our life, our bodies, our systems are the same ones who expect us to believe that it is all a matter of happenstance. That in some way, the world and everything in it, developed from the goo, to the zoo, to you. That the greatest of God's design “just happened” from pond scum.
Welcome to the last days. With earthquakes, tornadoes, storms, God is showing what He can do with almost invisible force. Then, we have a new variety of E.coli bacteria, supposedly originating from cucumbers, leading to uremic poisoning, kidney failure. Since the microscope, since Pasteur and others: bacteria, then viruses, but always the knowledge that the little foxes spoil the vines. (Song of Solomon 2:15)
God used just 5 words to inform us of Who designed the heavens: he made the stars also (Genesis 1:16). With all our learning, never coming to a knowledge of the truth, yet the truth is all around us, God ready to reveal all truths. Be specific, God will not be shocked, He has much time to listen, “my foot hurts, the toe on right foot”.
Homeland Security knows nothing about hackers: it could be the man in the moon. Wikileaks and Gmail has shown us government's weakness in intelligence. We have a nation hungry for knowledge, most families of four spend $500 a month, just on computers, cell phones, technology.
Once upon a time, there was a home, families gathered around a table for meals three times a day. They had wholesome food without the chemical toxins from plastics and glutanates, their drinks did not contain chloride poisons. The greatest miracle of the universe, magically/spiritually speaking directly to the designer of the universe. Without the staccato trauma from technology, we can engage in civilized encounter only afforded human beings (no other animal has the ability to talk, laugh, frown, smile). If they did talk, would it involve each family member's car, with all the expenses (risk, insurance, license, inspections, upkeep) or with the change in administration, gasoline prices up 50%, sugar prices up 75%, unemployment up 25%, 35% increase of food stamp recipients, 34% increase of the national debt.
The most miserable people in the world are those “in between” in their belief system. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Get your belief system straight. Forget the malarkey of evolution, fall in love with your Creator.
Nothing between my soul and my Savior,
Naught of this world’s delusive dream;
I have renounced all sinful pleasure;
Jesus is mine, there’s nothing between.
Hymn – Nothing Between (1905)
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