Alex Haley's Roots was one of the most memorable books and movies of the last century. In this great movie/book, a black slave (Kunta Kinte) was beaten by the slavemaster in an effort to get him to take another name, Toby. This black man, beaten until he died, still proclaimed his name.
Many Americans my age (81) feel that we are standing absolutely naked in a state of alternating “chills and fever”. Having been stripped of all privacy in the promise of safety, we know full well that we have neither. As you cling to your faith, remember that God loves fanatics. The world, the flesh, the devil will put you through a gauntlet of trials because of your Christianity and patriotism. It is up to you not to get bamboozled, but you should not be surprised, we have been promised such. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. (1 Peter 4:12)
Like the black slaves, like those clouds of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) who suffered tortures that you and I will never know, we cling to promises. Your fellow citizens, having elected such characters as Waters, Weiner, Wrangle, Biden, Frans, Pelosi, Obama, only know the deceit and whims of this present world.
In their decadent, drunken stupor, the powers of darkness in the world have made it almost impossible for most citizens to live...social security, healthcare...Medicare and Medicaid are all broke. The US Postal Service is broke, income down $8.5 billion last year, even with the “forever stamps”. Many of us remember, in the city, when there were both morning and afternoon mail deliveries. Every agency of government, broke, and inept to the extreme. I understand that all the computers in the commerce department were recently replaced because of hacking, and so it has been with almost every government agency (VA, State Department, even the White House).
15,000 Lybians have been killed since NATO tried to promote a no-fly zone and safety for protesters. We have seen the grief in Tripoli and other bombed cities: parents walking towards a grave carrying a child wrapped in a white burial cloth. Obama assured Egypt a $1 billion loan, the longest war in history coming to an end with our defeat, and the turning over of a battered nation over to the enemy. The nation of Iraq was destroyed while attempting to eliminate Saddam Hussein. Think of the time, treasure, lives, that would have been saved if he had been eliminated in the same way that Osama bin Laden was “supposedly” killed.
90% of all federal government actions are unconstitutional; there is 98% conviction rate in all federal courts. So you feel you get a fair trial at the federal court house? Insanity prevails. With the new Obama healthcare, you buy health insurance after you get sick. With so many things in government, it is like buying insurance after your house has already burned down...the veteran attempting to get help from the government after his disability, 245,000 widows attempting to get help after losing a husband. Those who have paid the price for government compassion seldom get such. It is only those with their nose in the trough...politicians, bureaucrats, welfare recipients, even illegal citizens, who enjoy the ever-fading largess of America.
Whether at the state house, courthouse, schoolhouse, church house, God is not mocked. (Galatians 6:7) History is replete with men and women who have depended on the mercies of God in spite of being bamboozled by the world, the flesh, the devil. George Muller of England was such a man. At the age of 14 he was just a drunk, a thief and a liar, having just lost his mother. But through a marvelous conversion and marriage he became a pastor and provider of a home for orphans with orphanages all across England. Under Muller at least 10,000 orphans were cared for, and education given to over 120,000 orphans. He is best known for his total dependence on prayer. Once, when all the children where at the table for breakfast, but there was no food in the building, miraculously, a baker came knocking on the door with bread for all of them.
The wars in which America is involved will eventually come to an end. The rotten despicable advertisements for erectile dysfunction, vaginal crèmes, “forever male” will eventually stop. Sin-stricken Democrats will eventually come to their senses regarding abortion, same-sex marriage and ludicrous taxation. Sissy-prissy, lost, so-called “pastors” will be jerked into a knot through the wrath of God. The evil philanders of the world (bankers, Bilderbergers, hawkers of evil...pornography, drugs, terrorism) will be put in their place by decent human beings who have been bamboozled. God will eventually say, “enough is enough.”
Primitive man thought a sling-shot and certainly a bow-and-arrow were great inventions. When I was young, the typewriter was a marvel, the television was miraculous. The magnetism from a cell phone will kill a tomato plant, the chemicals in the public water system, the plastics leeching into all wrapped foods, the glutanates and genetically-modified convenience have all taken their toll on life and mental ability. You must teach truth, particularly moral truth...the essence of your identity.
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