Ozymandias, a fictional character from the poet Percy Shelley, depicting the mystical qualities of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II. The fact that the human mind will accept characters of fantasy, such as that which penetrates the world of science fiction, matters which we believe the human mind would never accept. The 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still starring Patricia Neal tells of a humanoid and a robot arriving on earth with a warning about the dangers of nuclear power...that the earth will be eliminated and other psycho-social dilemmas.
Before his death, Sam Walton was walking across the parking lot of one of his many Walmart stores. He spied a quarter on the ground, stooped down to pick it up, looked at it and then put it in his pocket. Knowing that those accompanying him were laughing, he said, “I did not need that quarter, nor any of the other coins I pick up in walking, but you will notice on each of them it has the words, 'in God we trust.' I depend on, and need, this information, not the money.”
In my lifetime, I have witnessed a complete decline in boldness, plain talk, common sense. The world is so anxious to please everyone. We all think we are public relations experts, constantly rewriting the book How to Win Friends and Influence People. We are so politically correct that being timid, smooching with kindness, being indifferent in order to be accepted by the world, is a strength, not a weakness.
95% of the Christian faith is just raw courage. The Christian accepts the fact that we are not here to please the world and the knowledge that the world will never accept us. Today's manhood reflects cowardice instead of courage. Don't cringe when, on the talking heads' programs, the politician smooths every corner, shows absolutely no convictions in order to please everyone. He loses all integrity, all honesty, just trying to protect votes.
If every pulpiteer of the past had been as lackadaisical, diabetically sweet, as Joel Osteen, the evangelism of the Christian church would have disappeared. The average pastor, sweet in his sanctimonious cocoon of comfortable isolation from the harshness of living, would not dare preach sin's ruin and Christ's redemption to a congregation sitting on cushioned pews, perfumed, aggrandized in “the best the world has to offer”, both physically and mentally sophisticated, educated, this pastor loves his comfort zone too much to antagonize the people who give so liberally when the offering plate is passed. So what if they go to hell, it is up to God to convict them of their insolence and sin.
In Switzerland, where western theology (under Calvin and others) got its start, it is against the law to flush a goldfish down the commode (because of animal rights), yet suicide clinics for human beings are still open. In Switzerland, an ethics panel weighed in on the “dignity” of plants, and decided that the arbitrary killing of flora is morally wrong. The Swiss added to their national constitution a provision requiring “account to be taken of the dignity of creation when handling animals, plants and other organisms”.
Such diabolical ideas about plant rights, animal rights, and even the rights of the earth are being circulated among the liberals of many nations. Strange that these liberals have no problems with the killing of innocent babies, human beings. In America, 52% of all black babies are aborted. Even Catholics, the most pro-life denomination voted 54% for Obama, the most pro-abortion President in history.
A lawless nation such as America, gets what it deserves. In my lifetime, not only have I seen boldness disappear, but I have seen decadence take over in every area of life. Could we ever have imagined a Weiner, a Pelosi, a Rangle, a Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? This is nothing, reportedly the Obama home in Chicago (5046 South Greenwood Ave) is held by a trust managed by Harvey Greenberg, one of our nation's most rabid Communists and friend of the Obamas.
Reportedly, the President used a social security number in the buying of the house issued to a man born in 1890! Michelle Obama shares her social security number with a 91-year-old Mexican woman living in south Texas! New reports are full of these consistent inconsistencies pertaining to the charade in government, the masquerade of politicians, the demise of human intelligence.
We are in bondage to a thief and liar, the Congress who empowers him, the state-controlled news media who protects him. With boldness, we will ask God to take care of the criminals in Washington. God is still on the job. Just as important as God taking care of the Antichrist is God forgiving the uninformed, the peaceniks, the addicts, ne'er-do-wells who voted for Obama and his ilk. Some academics, socialists, theists, even claim to be Christian, but a believer in Jesus Christ cannot support the Democrat party. Like Shelley's Ozymandias, fiction/make-believe is one thing, the actuality of political, economic, spiritual, physical survival is something else. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
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