A friend/cousin, age 84 (three years older than me) said recently, “have you noticed that so many people in this world are just along for the ride. Never interested in anything, just taking up space in a crowded world, willing and ready to go along with just anything. Never ready to express an opinion, having lived an entire live in the “never, never land” of indifference.“
A fellow army doctor, exactly the same age as me, born on the same day as me, was on leave after the Korean war, we were driving to New York City so he could apply for a fellowship at Manhattan's Presbyterian hospital. This was in 1957, the first Billy Graham crusade was being held in Madison Square Garden at the time and we had trouble finding a place to stay in New York because of the crowds. This young doctor, one of the cleanest men I have ever known, brilliant, good-looking, I never heard a word of slang in his vocabulary, was a committed atheist. He had told me several times that he could not understand my allegiance to the church, and when I expressed my desire to attend the crusade while in New York City, he said, “I should go with you because of your disability, but nothing said there will affect me.” Later, he expressed to me his total disappointment with the church, the hypocrisy of the church as in most cases, the reason he had nothing to do with God. He said, “if the church, if those who call themselves Christians actually believed what they profess, they would stand up as an army against the killing of the unborn, the most atrocious murder in the world.” Now, this was long before the 1973 Supreme Court decision, but as a obstetrics- gynecologist specialist, he had participated in many abortions at the army hospitals.
In another commentary, I have related the first abortion I ever witnessed, and how I wish this experience could be wiped from my memory...the little body of this baby being crushed inside the mother, the little hands, little feet, being taken out of the mother with forceps. There is not one scintilla, not one synapse in my brain, in my thinking that people on this earth who support such an atrocity should not be allowed to call themselves Christian, to just go along for the ride as a member the political party called Democrats, or sit with indifference on the pew of any Christian church.
If there are Democrats, members of teacher's unions, industrial unions, government bureaucrat organizations, who can just go along for the ride in supporting such atrocity, thinking that God will hold them innocent in their subjective ignorance, then they are physically, morally, spiritually, intellectually deceived, such deception is hatched out in hell by Satan himself, and they are going along for the ride, in denial that they know the true facts of such subversion. If those supporting such a holocaust, aiding and abetting such with their union dues, party contributions, even votes, are so deceived then we might as well open the prison gates and give amnesty to all prisoners.
From the very beginning, God instilled in the souls of every human being certain natural laws. There is not a paleontologist who ever discovered a civilization, and there are no records of any historic civilization discovered, where certain basic natural laws were not in evidence. Long before Sinai, men knew that they should not murder, steal one another's things, take another man's wife or children, the tragedy is we should not have to have laws to force us to do what is right.
Years ago, as a voracious reader, often I could not wait to see how the story of a book was going to turn out. Often I would turn to the back and read the last chapter. The Book of all books, the Word of God (the answer Book, guide Book, Manufacturer's Handbook) gives us the conclusion, the answers in the last book of the Bible and we know that believers in His Word are winners in spite of the world history of unbelief, the world, the flesh, the devil.
Particularly today, with today's secular, state-controlled news, with the politically-correct, “end justifies the means”, communist system of Obama and his ilk, you may choose to live just a “blah” existence. Gorging your indifferent self on the trash of regurgitated television, distortions of the internet, fitting yourself into the inept majority, just along for the ride, tragic that with just one life to live, just one ride on the merry-go-round, you do not choose to use your God-given ability or whatever talent you possess to make a difference in the world, to have the faith, courage of standing gallantly with those who realize the importance of God's magnificent plan for separated lives.
A recent movie, No Strings Attached, tells us again, as if we did not already know, about how most young people just shack up...only 20% of all couples living together are married. Most American homes have just become halfway houses, filling stations, having forgotten the corporate culture of togetherness. There was a time when families ate together, a corporate attitude of togetherness in a business, attitude of togetherness in a school, a city. The home team advantage is very real, the greatest weapon in the military arsenal is that of esprit de corp, addictive togetherness of the members of a military group. The most humbling spirit of any family, classroom, military unit: “he is one of us, we take care of our own”. Blood is thicker than water, and the weakest family member is cared for as much as the strongest.
The soul is always healed by being with children; it is with the child, the disabled, the elderly, the weak, that we realize that none of us are just along for the ride. Read the books, watch the movies, listen to the sermons, visit with others who can help reveal the best version of yourself.
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