If a spark of humanity is so great, what must a flame be like? God has invested in the human soul, a capacity for love which is beyond description.
In studying military men who have been awarded the nation's highest honor, the Congressional Medal of Honor, I came across the story of an Army officer, captured by the Japanese in WWII.
I do not believe you can find military might in all history as atrocious as that of the Japanese. In another article, I have described one of my friends, who survived the Bataan death march. In the account of this officer, and officers, were supposed to be treated better than enlisted men. The American officer, himself starving and sick, witnessed the decadent Japanese serpent-low life beating mercilessly a starving American enlisted man. He broke through those around the horrific scene, and attempted with gestures to tell their Japanese torturers, “beat me, beat me”. The Japanese were amazed because they were accustomed to their officers showing no empathy towards anyone, not even their own.
This writer thinks of this every time someone, particularly an associate or family member, discloses that he or she is still a voting democrat... a political party that has so insulted the very name of our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, or those of us who claim His name, Christians. A political party promoting abortion, (54 million babies killed since legalized in 1973) This old man wants to say, “kill me”. One who has already lived a long life instead of the most innocent never being given an opportunity to live outside the womb of the mother. Almost as disgraceful to democrats, actually believing in the marriage of two people of the same sex when, everything in scripture, everything in history, everything in the social structure of mankind, dictates the union of male and female.
It is an apodictic, absolute truth, which even the most decadent atheist cannot refute in spite of their liberal pretensions, wanting to put a veneer of acceptability-popularity on everything. There are absolutes of right and wrong. GOD IS BOSS!, the Creator of the universe, the earth and everything in it, is a God of love and wrath. God does not maintain a halfway house, or “monkeying around”. Three months, after he separated the waters of the Red Sea, so three million Jewish slaves could pass through on dry land, and then drown Pharaoh and his army with the water, Moses led this “stiff-necked”, rebellious people to Mount Sinai. (closer to the time of the event, King Solomon, installed pillars at the Red sea where the children of Israel exited. Biblical archaeologist, Mark Chigall located a chariot axle in the sea) God owned the mountain, smoke, thunder, lightning, proclaim His presence. He ordered that nothing, man or animal, should touch the mountain, anyone that did would be instantly killed. He gave the same instructions about the Ark of the Covenant. Built by His dimensions using acacia wood and gold. At one time, 50,070 Philistines killed for looking at the ark,. One man, Uzzah was killed for touching the Ark because of a stumbling Ox.
The first rules of behavior did not come from Mt. Sinai. God breathed into the first man a soul. Even those before Noah's flood, had a conscience (cir. 5000BC) They did not believe God: They all died except Noah and his family, and the animals God chose to save. God gave His chosen race, the Jews, commandments, laws by which to live. Foolishly, they disobeyed, and most died in the desert. We sink no lower in decadence than when we say “there are no absolutes”.
The absolutes of good and evil, the absolutes of the periodic table, mathematics, laws of physics-chemistry, tones of music, even animal nature, have never changed. Even though scientists, in their “wisdom” have messed around with their genomes. We are insane, if we think that the Sovereign God of the universe will continue to tolerate the killing of the most innocent of life (man, his chief creation) the decadence of sinful living God has invested in His chosen, the righteousness of His only son, Jesus Christ. He sees the righteousness of Christ in us... not our sins, not anything good about us. Sin's ruin and Christ's redemption is the message of the church, and God will most certainty, in my humble opinion, hold pulpit pimps responsible for not warning, both the saved and the unsaved concerning apodictic-absolutes.
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)
Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://pockets1940.blogspot.com/
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