The Baltimore Sun's most famous writer H.L. Mencken who died in 1956 said, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." IF he had lived 51 years longer and seen real national stupidity, the dismantling of the US constitution, he, like this writer, would have more to say. Sufficient to say, you have lived to see an almost exact replication of what happened in Germany, Weimar Republic. Everything legal, everything immoral, just before Naziism and Hitler.
We remember Evel Knievel daredevil car and canyon jumper who died in 2007 (lung cancer) and who left his daredevil antics to his son Robbie, amazing, people who actually paid money to see him almost kill himself on a motorcycle, jumping 141 feet over cars or canyon. At one time or another he had broken every bone in his body. Showing again, what people are willing to do to make money and what people will spend to watch stupidity.
A nation, conceived in liberty, dedicated to the proposition that all me are free... free to be stupid or wise. We were wise enough to build the United States of America into the world's greatest industrial, educational, humanitarian, and military power. From America, men went to the moon as well as exploring every geographical and academic challenge. We had the courage to fight in many wars as well as send religious missionaries and agencies to relieve suffering around the world. Men and women risked death on the high seas as well as tunneling through the ground to get here... the opportunities awaiting. Nothing showed the American Spirit was more enticing than music and movies. This writer has traveled the world, every continent, passport stamped at least once in 157 different countries. I have been in many countries many times, always, young people wanting me to assist them in getting here. In communist countries, students begged me to send them books. They had heard of great writers (Faulkner, Hemingway, etc.) but were unable to read their books. Many had a hunger for the Bible, the courage to have faith, to dream about democracy, success.
IF, a blind-deaf robber had invaded your house, surely you would be aware of his stumbling-bumping while moving around, would know that you have been invaded. America, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, technology of every type, does not yet know she has been invaded. In twenty-four years, the world's greatest creditor nation has become the world's greatest debtor nation. Entitlements, derivatives, public and private debts which can never be repaid, 50% of the population do not pay tax, live off the other 50%, 47% of the population on food stamps, 57% of the population depending on subsidies. Lobbyists and Wall Street control... Martha Stewart was sent to prison for supposed insider trading but the halls of congress are crammed with securities brokers dealing with congress. Congressional democrats increased their net woth by 740% last year. Members of congress are not subject to the same SEC regulations as the rest of us. Senator-presidential candidate John Kerry, better known for marrying rich widows, made much money selling stock as the Obama healthcare process developed. Senator-Governor, John Corzine, MF Global thief hides the fact that the worst offenders in his scam were John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi. And so it goes in Washington, and the “unholy” prostitution with Wall Street. The Washington decadence-vulgarities usually have a money trail-Charlie Rangel,Jessie Jackson, Jr. etc. According to Judicial Watch, the ten most corrupt politicians are as follows:
S. Bachus, A. Hastings, E. Holder, J. Jackson, Jr., President B. Obama, M. Waters, D. Young, L. Richardson, D. Rivera Dishonorable Mention: J. Edwards, B. Frank, N. Gingrich, J. Napoloitano, N. Pelosi, C. Rangel, H. Rogers, K. Sebelius. (6 are Republican and 11 are democrat) I have never known a person elected to public office, local, state, or national who did not return from his time of “servitude”, rich... whether Lyndon Johnson who went back to Texas with $53 Million, the rich Kennedy clan who park their millions in a South Pacific Island Bank, or the rich Bushes... still wheeling and dealing as did the President's (41 & 43) father and grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, who laundered German-Dutch money during WWII. This blind veteran (never able to get a white cane from the VA) speaks for all veterans, disenfranchised Americans. The money hungry despots of prosperity should be hunted down and hanged or at best, flogged. What has happened to the 5000 tons of gold, supposedly owned by the American people? When was an inventory done at Fort Knox, Federal Reserve?
On this 39th year since the infamous Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, from which time, 54 million of the most innocent babies have been killed, 3000 a day, (1400 black, 52% of all black babies) young people are beginning to realize what lies ahead for them. Their parents-grandparents, quiet as tax payers killed, as in other countries where socialism-abortion took over, euthanasia of old people, ultimate solution.
Like Evel Knievel, a nation on a cycle, high in the air... BUT WAIT, this is crazy, how did I get here, maybe I'll die trying to land.
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