From the beginning of time, there has been the attitude, “Big I, Little u.” It is only the child, black or white, who has witnessed elitists (bankers, academics, commercial enterprise owners, etc.) looking down at your less educated-less prosperous parents who have empathy-understanding, about that which I speak.
We remember the maid, Hazel, running around trying to satisfy her employer. We remember Aunt Jemima always as a servant. How well we remember Hattie McDaniel, first black actress to receive an academy award for her portrayal as “Mammy” in Gone With the Wind. How well I remember when she received the award, saying, ”I want to be an asset to my race.” Coming from the poverty of an Eastern North Carolina tobacco farm, small country school, everyone in the community, poor, I did not realize the “caste” system in America until I matriculated at the university. Since then, I have seen the caste system in India, witnessed the collectivist system in communist countries, every day, hear about the increasing welfare system in America.
The liberal-democrat politicians-academics-”do-gooders”, who so decry inequality-discrimination are in the forefront (underneath the artificial guise of concern) against there conservative, God-fearing, tax-paying, fellow men, who walk the walk and talk the talk of responsible living-integrity.
No better place to see this than the news media, the inequality toward republican party coverage, their hatred of Christianity, there disdain for fathers, particularly white fathers, in their “love-affair”-promotion of the gay agenda. After all, you build up evil by cutting down the good.
My father was the work-ingest man I have ever known, very successful land owner-farmer, (kept poor by the government) barber on weekends, builder-carpenter during the winter months, chairman of the local school board, and backbone of the church, built by he and my mother's grandparents. To my face, ne’er do well relatives and neighbors have said, “your daddy was a very peculiar man”. I understand they have said the same thing about me, especially family. Yes, like Peter, James, and John-peculiar-our citizenship not in this world. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; (1 Peter 2:9) Only when you understand the sore, do you understand the Bible, WORD OF GOD, a book which so many do not want to understand. (Mark 4) Same sore, same seed. Some fell where nothing happens, some fell on rocks, thin soil. Little root, soon died, some fail in the bushes of cares, riches, lusts, and did not produce, but some fell on good ground... God knowing the ending as well as the beginning of everything, knew the soil would produce... knowing that some with sight would not perceive, some with hearing would not understand. HE IS BOSS. No surprises with God, He knows what He is doing. He chose Jacob instead of Esau, grandsons of Abraham and Sarah, while still in Rebecca's womb, having never sinned, works of any type, Jacob was chosen. Thank God, cling to Him, if you have the GIFT of being chosen, elected. (Romans 8, 9)
I am convinced, without the shadow of a doubt, that the soul elected, chosen of God, can achieve anything, even retrieved from the mire of sin's degradation. He enables you, through His redemption, because He wants you to shower off the grime no matter who you are, where you are, in spite if yourself, if you have trust in the “reset button”, eternal life is yours, a gift.
Like a slow motion train wreck, unbelievers, pretenders, protagonists on seats in the train, indifferent, half awake, everyone with just one life to live, paralyzed in a mantra of deception, most thinking there will be some “magical” escape. Not so, the sore is responsible. Those we disdain, may be of supreme IMPORTANCE-SELECTION to Him.
People in the world have learned to live in boxes, housing, vehicles, schools, churches, all box-like. They want to compartmentalize their lives, a compartment for survival (all will soon panic when their savings, anything else in the system is gone) Family, associates, vocation, spiritual life. If you are a child of God, saved, chosen, elected, you cannot compartmentalize. The Holy spirit of God, Peace, Comforter, Healer, righteousness within you, MUST always prevail.
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